Why did they remove colored titles

: (

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Color titles and emoticons were never a normal function and it was figured out by someone, eventually others started using it.

It was never something normal, so it was a bug hence they removed it. Maybe they’ll later introduce it again.

(We’re talking custom game titles right?)

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Just because it was a bug does not mean they should remove it. It did no harm, and really just helped people who would play less popular modes.


A bug is something that isn’t supposed to be there, as if it could be that they forgot to block these characters. They don’t want it and that’s what we know otherwise they would have kept it, if you’d like to discuss about this you should put it in #general-discussion as custom games are not entirely based around the #workshop subforum.

They fix something is not important at all and real bugs still stay and prevent us enjoying the Dev-environment. That’s annoying…


Blizzard has fixed fun bugs before. Off the top of my head, they fixed the 12v12 custom game glitch and Tracer being able to blink while emoting.

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And the oversized sprays on the front door of the numbani attacker spawn.


Smaller bugs are easier to fix than huge bugs of which they cannot find the cause.

Bugs are bugs, even if they are fun it’s not normal.

laughs in the entire modding community


I’m sad with this

: (

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The best part about your mentality is keep the bad, get rid of the good.

It’s normal it got fixed. It was an unwanted behaviour and using meaningless codes on your title isn’t efficient (there were also some icons that weren’t working well with titles, like the long color palette). They did however took interest in this and the idea to customize your title is definitely something they are interested to do.

Some bugs are harder to fix than others. They know the bugs exist and they are working hard on finding a fix. It isn’t easy to do and if more people understood this, they wouldn’t get so angry.

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Because colored title and icons in room name, isn’t a feature, is a unexcepted bug found by players.

Just because its a bug, doesn’t mean it needs to be fixed. It was a fun glitch, and made people, or at least me interested in hexidecimal code. It was something they went out of their way to do, instead of MAKE A COLOR WHEEL IN WORKSHOP, all of that good stuff they could have done, but instead take away their fun. Whats with this “Bug bad” mentality? Can’t you do an analysis of how fun it was while it lasted? Why are you supporting this? It’s not harmful At All.

All developers needs to fix unexcepted bugs, is normal cycle of software development. Ok thats fun glitch, but same, it’s a glitch not feature.

I get they need to fix bugs, but not all of them. Imagine a bug that rendered OW at PERFECT fps and PERFECT crisp, smooth details. This guy says “its a glitch, get rid of it”. Why? Bugs can be good and kept, even if its a green upright explosive pig. Just because it is something unexpected or random doesn’t mean a despised name or bad perception should ruin its beauty.

And you gotta hate to agree with that.

Look, first of all this thread is not posted in the correct subforum, this should be posted in #general-discussion as it’s a discussion thread relating to the titles within custom games. That is related to the game itself and not workshop.

Let’s not argue too much here and if you’d like to continue please move this to #general-discussion or you could discuss in private.

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When some bug is unexcepted and supposed to not be in, yes, this bug need be fixed, and you can’t do nothing, is a normal software development cycle. Unforntunally developers cannot keep “funny bugs”, because these bugs can propagate more bugs that can become game unplayable.