Why did my Endorsement Level Drop?

I know that endorsement decay is a thing, but I was gaining endorsements every match (at least 1 if anything), so I don’t understand why it dropped. There may have been a match or two that I did not receive one, but that was due to playing with the same people for multiple matches in a row.

I do know that being reported can also decrease your endorsement, but I don’t believe I was reported. I’ve done nothing worth reporting… My record should be clean. Even if someone is reported though, why would it decrease their endorsement level immediately? Should there not be a time where the report is evaluated to see if the player actually deserved the report before the endorsement level is dropped?

The only reason I can come up with for my endorsement dropping is from leaving a game early, which I know can happen. I don’t believe I left but one or two games early (note this was in Quickplay). The last game I left, the one that I’m guessing caused my endorsement to drop, I only left because I did not want to play with the people that it placed me in the match with. It was the same people I had just left… They were the reason I left after the last match ended. I did not feel like seeing the chat spammed with more insults 2 or 3 players kept throwing at each other all throughout the game, which I had already dealt with for at least 3 or so matches.

In the end, I’m just curious why my Endorsement level dropped. I’m not asking for it back or anything ridiculous. I know I can gain it back, but it’s extremely disheartening when I see that it dropped for no apparent reason. It would be nice if the game could tell us why it dropped. It does not have to be a huge explanation just something simple like “Due to leaving matches early X times, your endorsement level has dropped from 3 to 2.”


Yesterday I’ve played like 8-10 games in a row, teammates given me endorsements, but in a next game I’ve seen a note that “your endorsement level has dropped from 4 to 3”.
And here I really have no idea why, I didn’t leave games.
So topicstarter’s proposition is a very wise. At least I want to know if I did something wrong.


Same my endorsement dropped twice from 3 to 2 I don’t know why.

I am not leaving any games tho or cause trouble.


Endorsement levels will drop for one of these conditions:

  • Leaving games, include casual game modes where endorsements are not issued, can cause a endorsement level to drop by 1 level.
  • Not earning enough endorsements over a series of number of games played. You must constantly be earning endorsement levels as you play games. Note that this is a games played decay and not time decay. Also the higher the level you are, the harder it is to maintain that level. Higher levels like 4 and 5 can even see decay even if you earned an endorsement for the most recent match played. This is normal and the idea is you must consistently earn endorsements to improve your level.
  • Account Silences and Suspensions for violations of the Blizzard Code-of-Conduct will result in your entire Endorsement level be reset to level 0.

That’s the point. I didn’t leave, and I’ve get endorsements in last games, but it’s level gone anyway.


Sounded like a good idea a month ago.

But it’s totally useless unless you want to spend time creating group of 6.
They did add a function to make groups yeah but we also realised that it takes loads of time to prepare. That most of the player will leave after the first game if you lose. And the list goes on.

Blizzard want to control everything and at the end doesn’t control anything and it ends up being the same mess. They have to force meta, they have to implement the fact that endorsement can be a parameter you can chose when you q for a comp game. They have to make it right. People wont sort each others and the game will naturally die.

Now not enough people uses the group system.

Also get into game with people who are endorsement 1 and immediately pick a 3rd or 4th dps. So what now ? I know he is a trash player but he is still in my team right now.

There must something like 5 persons working on OW on overall at blizzard. And they spend more time designing hamsters than making the game properly and clean it. And yeah it never worked properly.


Let’s up this thread. Just now one (!) QP get crashed in the middle, black screen, etc. And my endorsement lvl immidiately gone into previous lvl again - after a WEEKS of game without leaving, bans or something.
Can you fix it? Many thanks.


Just had the same thing happen


I lost connection to one comp match, joined back and won it and I still lost 1 entire endorsement level. Great logic there Blizzard, you play nice = +1 endorsement. Lose connection = -50 endorsement. And Blizzard stilk wonders why people stopped from playing this game.


Rejoining a game is only possible during certain phases of the game. If you leave a game either during the pre-game or during the first minute of the game, the game will automatically cancel (remember the 10 second rule does not apply to the leaver, but as a warning to other players that the match will cancel). You can rejoin the match during the initial hero selection screen if you are lucky enough to quickly reconnect though.

Otherwise, you can only rejoin any-time after one-minute of match time has passed up until the match completes. However you only have two minutes to do so without penalty. If you rejoin a match after two-minutes, you will still automatically be marked with a loss an be penalized with a -50 SR cut and a ten-minute suspension, and loss of endorsement level This rule ensures that no one can abusive the leaver system by attempting to return to a match after deliberately leaving in order to avoid such penalties. Furthermore leaving three or more times in a single match will result in an automatic penalty. If you fail to return to a match by the time it ends normally (regardless of match result) you will be penalized including loss of endorsement level.

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Aha. If you are lucky anough to rejoin at all. Look at this - nobody answered. Cannot rejoin competitive game - BUG?

All of this is so unfair.


Now something new happend. I’ve played a QP from the start, we WON, I’ve played on healer and immidiately endorsement lvl gone into previous lvl. WHY.


Kept inspiring my team and stayed positive until the end of a competitive match I ultimately lost. Congratulated everyone (because the game was pretty intense and we tried) and somehow my endorsement level decreased from 3 to 2.
At least tell me why you’re doing this, I feel like a kid that got its candy stolen by some 40 year old.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.


Now the question is, does my endorsement drop when im in a group and the leader leaves the game earlier? Cause i think it just happened to me, ive been at level 4 for a week and never left a game and now that my group leader left earlier it went down to 3… Is this even fair?


I had my endorsement level drop from 4 to 3 today because I didn’t accept someone’s invite to join a game, while I was on the character select screen for another game. I can’t leave the character select screen or get penalized, but I also get penalized for not joining another game?

What is going on here?

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So annoyed. I need tons of endorsement to level up but I lose one whole level just because my network was unstable? F##k


I’ve started noticing this too. I did note that it dropped once when I left a quick game for a comp game but since then and after reading other posts I’ve done everything to avoid getting moved down. But, last few days I log in, play a handful of games, get endorsements, and log in the next day a level lower… At least you get a notice when leaving a game but coming back each day to get it back only to lose it when I come back the next day is a broken system. At that point endorsements are useless. Just forcing people to be in game more often. There are no real perks that I’m aware of that are tied to it yet. I must be teetering on the endorsement lvl 4’s edge.


It keep dropping for no reason. I getting endorsements, I endorse other players - and still it drops every 3-4 matches.
Why? I don’t even leave or being disconnected or whatever.


Yes this needs to be fixed. I’ve been endorsed every match today except one. Got 5 endorsements my last match and I went down from 4 to a 3! Have not been reported to my knowledge. So this whole “decay” system is garbage. We all might as well pretend that it doesn’t exist and go back to how things used to be right? No need being nice and respectful because we are all going to be permanent 2s and 3s whether we are respectful or trolls.


Someone told me if you keep using attack heroes more than the other roles, you will decay twice as fast. Also if you follow the game’s role recommendation at select screen, your endorsements will not decay after a loss if none are given.

I’m still LV4 three weeks in a row without decaying by following this.

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