Why did Blizzard kill Symmetra? :(

Ironically, that’s what her last rework was supposed to do too.

I won’t hold my breath for this one.


“Good performance” in an EXTREME minority of situations is a failure of a hero. You can’t why Symmetra is picked so rarely except because she is a poor pick in a MAJORITY of situations. This rework aims to fix that.

Face it: Your hero is the worst hero in the game. She is a throw pick and is now being improved.

I would have thought this would be a welcome change from Sym mains. Instead, all we get is ungrateful players who refuse to adapt.



Symmetra mains who play her in all situations also have a 60% winrate in higher ranks.

Face it you have no idea what you are talking about.


“Player feedback” is why they’ve been looking at her, but I’m really disappointed because I thought Blizz was smarter than this. Most player feedback is wrong. Sym’s pickrate wasn’t low because she sucked, it was low because she was often misunderstood and came with a hidden passive of “Your team will flame you.” The rework represents a caving to the worst of the community.


This was the constant thing I’d hear on these forums: Symm is underpowered but ALSO overpowered.

Like people who would whine and moan about melee instant-kills in other FPS who somehow didn’t get it through their head that there has to be some sort of risk/reward mechanic when you got close to your opponent in a game where everyone has a GUN. (Commando Pro class in MW2 was cheap as hell of course but that was an exception)

Making a concession like this pushes Overwatch away from being a game that could serve multiple playstyles at once and closer toward being just like every other FPS: really niche appeal and pandering only to the twitchy gameplay style popularized in Counter Strike.


This excuse needs to die here and now. People need to stop using this as their escape for dying to her or whatever they use it for. She took more skill as being sneaky and jumping out to melt people than a S76 took just standing there point and clicking at things from a distance. Symmetra could dye so easily it was scary. It’s why people didn’t like her in high ranks because so many knew how to counter her.


No, it’s because she sucked and over half the roster could counter her and make her completely obsolete. She became a troll pick BECAUSE of that, not the other way around.

She’s still super unique, and looks really amazing. She can finally help her team while not being slowed down by a fast paced game.


I’m already tired of the dps players being like I want to o main her I want to try try her.

Sit down you were all complaining yesterday soooo

Feels bad sym players, you won’t even get to play your hero anymore


NOPE, she’s useless in most situations, and Blizzard is trying to make her more useable, so YOU won’t get FLAMED when you pick her.


That’s the sym that was in the game when I first started playing(I got the game 1 day after WW2016 ended) so I have no experience with Sym 1.0 but I like the live version of Sym, and if it wasn’t for the fact that part of her lore being that she has Autism connect with me on a personal level as I myself have Autism, I would outright hate Symmetra once the rework goes live, I was the same way with Mercy and Valkyrie, I loved Mercy, but hated the concept of Valkyrie, and while I don’t hate Mercy anymore, I still don’t love her as much as I used to


Every new hero and new rework has people flocking to insta-lock the hero. Moira was that way, as well as Brigitte, and even Hanzo. So Symmetra will be the same way for about a week or two before it dies down and people aren’t selecting her as quickly.


Yup. But people don’t want to learn to play against Symmetra or understand that sometimes, a better player using Symmetra will sneak up on you and you just die.

They wanted something to blame so they just hated the auto-aim, lazy-aim, no-aim, etc. aspect of some heros. Arguably, they dont’ understand the nature of beam weapons vs projectile weapons, vs. hitscans either.

I mean, shotgun welding heroes can kill you pretty fast at similar distances and their aim doesn’t have to be super precise.


That and the fact she was barely used in OWL, which apparently is what they’ve been more focused on right now


Good riddance. New Symmetra is so much more fun, useful, and reliable. I’m sorry you can’t see that.

The reasons why she got a massive rework have not only been obvious, but they’ve also been explained countless times. To name a few, she was too setup reliant, ultimate reliant, easily countered, hard to fit into team comps, and misclassified as a support.

Let me translate what you think she has lost:
Close-range microwave lock-on: No-skill tether that gave everyone the grounds to call her a no-skill hero. Her new primary fire isn’t even that hard to aim, and it’s undeniably better in terms of damage and it even has a new niche against barriers.

Hallway-control alt fire: Alt fire that moves and charges so slow that it can be seen coming from a mile away. She can still fire it into hallways to form a choke. It doesn’t pass through things, but the fact that it explodes and can’t be easily dodged is more than a fair trade-off.

Making area-controlling nests of turrets: Preoccupying herself with building 6, easily destroyed turrets all the time? She only has three now, yeah, but they: have 30 hp, can be placed from afar, at a moment’s notice, can be placed on places she could never get to before, AND the damage, range, and slow increase is significant. She can still make a nest, it’s just easier to do now and frees up a lot of her time to do other things. She’s no longer completely reliant on setting them up in advance. Her new turrets are inarguably better.

Clutch mini-Rein photon barrier: Nearly useless moving barrier. Now that it’s her ultimate, it’s infinitely more useful and reliable than it was as her E ability.

Also, her old ultimates won’t be missed. They were setup-reliant and detrimental to the rest of her kit. Don’t get me wrong, they were effective and I loved them, but they were pretty much all she had going for her in most games. She was too reliant on her ultimates and now that they are gone, the rest of her kit can be useful and reliable. Inspire, Armor Pack, and Shield Generator can no longer stack, which is good for the game. Her Teleporter as a basic ability has the potential to be one of the most impactful changes they have ever made.

I liked old Symmetra. But she had countless problems for everyone involved, especially for the Symmetra player. Look at the big picture and you’ll see that the new Symmetra will be better in every way. Symmetra is far from dead.


Never. Not once, by anybody, for one single teamfight, all season long.

I mean, I’m not trying to imply that the entire game should be balanced around OWL, but when the very best players and coaches in the entire world - playing for a million dollar prize - can’t find one single map or scenario or team composition that Symmetra would fit into… I mean doesn’t that speak to Symmetra’s viability in a competitive environment? In any competitive environment?


People kept whining about Sym being a throw pick.

This rework wasn’t for players who like Sym. It was for people who hate Sym and Sym players. It’s just pure spite.


Mercy is the best main healer in the game at all skill tiers. Hardly F-Tier.

No hero “belongs” to anyone. The fact that more people want to play her now is an extremely good sign.


Yup can’t wait to counter 3.0 Sym because all you need are aoe heroes. Junk rat and Pharah is more than enough. Teleporter flanks = ultimate food.

Facts and the developers cave into it. I mean it’s not their first time.

And then D. Va is a mix of a few different weapon types, she is the definition of a flex tank, her main cannons are a shotgun of course, but they’re also hitscan, her blaster is a projectile weapon, micro missiles are an explosive, she can block attacks with DM, she has mobility with her boosters, and she has some slight self-sustain with Call Mech