Why developers silent on Roadhog bugs?

I have a clip from Harbleu here ( I’ll be posting more videos here as long as I can find them) :
Edit: More videos below


https://youtu.be/Uv4U4LNm6Jc ( Genji’s perspective, from 31/05/2017, not sure whether Hog’s rework was after this period)

https://youtu.be/yCYbuv1jsjs?t=20s(Tracer blinking out. Even though the video is from January 2017, before the changes, it still a glimpsy of what happens many times )

  • This happens way too often with tracer and genji. If they are mid-dash, the hook won’t stop their momentum. Often I hook a dashing Genji in my direction, but he somehow dashes THROUGH me. Yes, he is chained.But he still moves…to my back !! o_O
    Edit: I’ve found one youtube clip too:

  • Also something EXTREMELY important: When Roadhog hooks someone under or over him , the target is often pulled to a very weird and unpredictable place ( slightly over or under Roadhog). The correct thing would be: targets being placed exactly in front of him,eye to eye/ toe to toe, 3,5m away. We end up being punished for hitting difficult hooks because we use it, waste it but we can’t kill them because of the way their bodies are re-positioned.


In the first video your hook gets broken by the LoS checks. The geometry on that corner is a little weird which might have been part of why that happened.

In the second one you miss but then the Genji strafes back into where you threw the hook. The hitbox of the hook is already behind him so you don’t pull him but it looks weird because the chain is passing through him.

I’m the last one your hook hits Genji and pulls him correctly but the enemy hog walks in front of him so it’s hard to see. Rewatch it a few times and it becomes obvious. Tho other guy already pointed this out but it’s because Genji dashes, he is in front of hog at just the wrong time. You can actually pause it right when he gets hit to get a pretty good idea of what happened.

Oh, well problems that i have with roadhog include, the player you hook sometimes is placed in weird positions like above you to the side or behind you in some case, then when you hook a tracer it sometimes shows her blinking or recalling out of it but on your end you get conformation that it indeed did connect, recieving fire points saying enemy hooked. Another problem i have is when i go to hook someone my hook doesnt show which makes it very difficult to tell when you hook someone due to the sound effects. I have noticed that sometimes the sound effects for hooking someone are played when you hit a barrier which contributes to the confusion.

I made an entire post for his bugs, I would appreciate it a lot if you could read it, :slight_smile: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/roadhogs-hook-bug-list/47831

Gibraltar feelings. :frowning:

All targets should be pulled to the same height Roadhog is from the ground. From a flying Pharah to Torbjorn below you.

If they fix that and the fact Genji and Tracer can escape with their SHIFT abilities Roadhog will be in his best state ever.

hey Jeff,where are you? Why you not reading our feedback?

Hooks just fine…

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videos above show the opposite

1st video: Yes, that’s dumb, the hook should not have broken there.

2nd video: They missed. That’s it. Nothing wrong there, they were literally just looking past Genji when they threw the hook.

3rd video: Nothing wrong there. It’s actually working amazingly well in that clip. Play it in 0.25 speed. You’ll see Genji dashes in front of Roadhog exactly as the hook is thrown, then Hog walks forward and it looks like Genji was behind Hog the whole time.

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Well I land a lot of hooks that way. so this one should have landed too.

Yeah i watched it and 0.25 speed hook goes through enemy hog and pulls genji instead of roadhog.

I think however the reason here is genji’s dash. genji’s dash makes his hitbox x100000000 times larger. so even when genji is behind an ally his huge hitbox would make him take the damage and in this case the hook.

Genji is so weak when he dashes since by hitting the air you can deal damage to him.

I had the same bug occur and noticed it aswell in a comp. game.

Land your hook, but enemy lucio was near a FLAT wall and hook just disconnected as in video

Here’s a thread I made about one of the bugs 11 months ago when it was first introduced.


I’ve got a couple for you, a few moments that are frustrating for me as a hog player. Stuff like this makes me feel cheated out of doing my job and punished for landing difficult hooks. The first one is not me but the rest are.

  • https://clips.twitch.tv/RespectfulBoxyDoveSuperVinlin
  • https://streamable.com/bs9pl
  • https://streamable.com/6x3yf
  • https://streamable.com/0p4d1
  • https://streamable.com/0xyg6
  • https://streamable.com/n9x3q
  • https://streamable.com/zsgzg
  • https://streamable.com/u2znc
  • https://streamable.com/n3mbc
  • https://streamable.com/dxnjz
  • https://streamable.com/8rrii
  • https://streamable.com/t84xu

Whether all of these can be considered bugs with hook or otherwise, or just strange interactions, they’re all issues with hog that still exist and still cause a mountain of frustration for people who play him. These are only the ones I managed to record, so often I have games where I’ll have a hook break on a signpost or bug 3 or 4 times in a row and I’m unable to do my job. It feels punishing for me to try and improve with landing more interesting or difficult hooks and having them either result in them getting away on low hp or unharmed due to placement or RNG gun spread or just breaking entirely on something that should never have done that in the first place. Hopefully this showcase can help shed some light onto the many issues that hog still deals with and get them fixed or at least forward some improvements.

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What also happens alot to me is that whenever i hook someone like a reaper/ moira/ genji etc. they are able to react faster than me, i think this should be looked at aswell as it feels really unfair and frustrating, if i hook a genji i want to be able to shoot him before he can use his deflect

also: the chain from his hook still becomes invisible at times, its not gamebreaking by any means but it bothers me to no end, would be nice if you could look at that aswell

Also the getting hooked out of Cryofreeze bug is still apparent. They said they had a fix for it, but that was some weeks ago…

Would be nice to know if they ever Che ked these clips. If they did they should respond in some manner and if not…

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Lazy Kaplan says that they are reading our feedback and reports,but this is not true. An adult man,but leads yourself like a small child. Shame on you lier.
so many bug reports which no one has yet read from the development team. Bug reports which for months hang in this forum. Insolent liars and loafers. Why you still silent about Roadhog bugs? You can sell skins at the price of the whole game, but you can not fix the game itself.
People provided so many videos with bugs as you asked.

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I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again:
Overwatch’s developers are so inadequate and incapable of actually communicating with their community, that it’s unbelievable.

They do not care about fixing the bugs, until there are an actual big “uproar” about it.
But, you know… Since Roadhog is seen as a “OMG IT’S NO FUN TO PLAY AGAINST HIM GRRRRRRRRR” type of a salt creating hero, he’s never going to be on the priority list of these developers, unless it’s about nerfing him.

Scott Falco said it best:

“The balancing of this game doesn’t happen according to what the competitive scene or what the professionals are saying, but rather according to who cries the loudest.”