Why couldn't they make PVE?

With how much recycle-happy the OW team has been over the years, that is very unlikely. We would have seen it repurposed 1000 times already if there was more.

This is an opinion stated as if it were fact, when it is not fact

I 100% accept that this is how you feel, but that does not make it a fact

Many others liked the PVE in OW, myself included


i would of loved to see PVE and im still upset it was canceled


oh really? Hey guys how many of you guys would’ve complained if The enemies were just reskins but we still had PVE.

then don’t do that. say hey the talents were too much, we’ll do them but only a lil bit at a time. yeah it would’ve been disappointing but better then you know, not doing pve at all which is wha we got now.

I mean COD devs are able to make pve with less time, both Campaign and Zombies

yeah they reuse assests a lot, but Like i said Overwatch could do the same since they already had a lot to work with. and reusing assets is veeery common and a game could A lot of it’s content be re used assets and still be amazing, just look Elden Ring which has a whole lot of it’s assets just brought over from Dark Souls 3

It’s pretty obvious when people are stating their opinion. Almost anyone reading that can tell it is that persons opinion, not a fact. Especially when the topic is completely opinion based……

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That is in fact not what Blizzard told us.
We were told that by a journalist investigating the downfall of Blizzard.

Yes actually. We know Blizzard tried to do far more with the PVE than what was necessary and wasted both time and money.


It was astoundingly obvious that he is stating his opinion.
You don’t need to “UMMMM ACSHUALLY” to every single post you see.


There were a couple of leaked cutscene stuff that never got released or at least hasn’t yet for one. Who knows what else they spent time on that just got axed or may never see the light of day.

Even that isn’t much. Probably never got finished beyond what was showcased.

And then Microsoft comes in and axes whatever is left and lets go of the entire PvE team. Guess that’s what happens when you pay 40 of the 60 billion to the guy that’s leaving.

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a combination of greed, incompetence, laziness, ambition, lack of planeation, bobby kotic, aaron keller and closure of overwatch 1

but honestly i want to know what really happened, i dont believe those rumors and news without real confirmation, what was show in trailers, they had a lot of things half done or even complete, there are a lot of pve assets on those trailers, the laboratory mode, mirrorwatch, talent trees were on advanced state, some maps have hidden sections with colission detection, was only that executives have no idea how to monetize it? another thing is the story, they show a lot but actually they never show any teaser for the story beyond overwatch being back and the 3 missions relased

to the hell with blizzard, everyone failed, everyone

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Between OW2’s announcement and OW2’s release, we’ve had many games that delivered a class-based cooperative shooter experience. Blizzard just couldn’t figure it out.

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literally everyone was excited for overwatch finally having a story mode, if you mean nobody bought the half made 1 hour of content pve missions for $15, yeah, i wonder why nobody was interested


Because greed killed this game. Execs aren’t interesting in making games for you, the player. They want you to fund their yachts.

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They fired the entire development team, game master team, in the name of “budget cuts” then did the meme pikachu face when they found out that it effected the amount of work that was possible.

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Lack of manpower to focus between OWL and OW2 and Jeffs odd refusal to hire more people.

I can understand he wouldn’t want to lay them off later after its done, but the alternative was so much worse.

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And which of those games had a roster of 32 unique characters with 50+ talent choices each…?

Blizzard isn’t a victim simply because they bit off more than they could chew. They tried to sell Invasion for $15 where missions have you locked to 6 heroes with zero talents after 3-4 years of development. It’s nobody’s fault but their own, so why offer them any sympathy?

Gross miss management of resources and time.


Yet another post in this thread.

There’s a bunch of reasons at play and most of them are pretty boring.

First of all, “PVE” was really two separate things:

  1. The co-op Story Mode that was meant to be an ‘experience’ and didn’t really have a focus on replayability. When originally announced, this had full cutscenes, item-pickups in set places, and set heroes for each mission. There were no Talents in this mode, even though they happened to be enabled for the Blizzcon 2019 demo - this was only enabled as a way to demo the Talent system to Blizzcon attendees. Sources: https://youtu.be/JlcL0ZthzWU?t=1059 https://youtu.be/JlcL0ZthzWU?t=1405
  2. The co-op Hero Missions/Hero Mode that was meant to be ‘highly replayable’. This had randomised mission objectives, Talents, presumably item-pickups (although not sure if this was ever specifically mentioned in the context of Hero Mode), no set heroes for each mission, and available on all maps. It didn’t have a story for each mission (although there was probably some sort of vague framing-story) and there were no cutscenes. There was never a publicly-playable demo of this mode and the most we ever saw were short clips in various Blizzard presentations - we still don’t really know what a full ‘Hero Mode mission’ would have looked like.

Obviously, all of that was announced way back in 2019. Things had changed a little bit by the time we next heard about Overwatch 2 in early 2021:

  1. Item pickups were gone. From both PVE modes. Why? Apparently they didn’t add much to replayability - the effort was being redirected to the Talent system instead. I can kinda undestand this. I don’t see a whole heap of people saying “Wow, I’m going to replay the Rio mission and this time I’m going to get the Shield instead of the Corrosive Grenade!”. But at the same time, more is more. Why not have both?
  2. The Talent system was hugely expanded. In 2019, there were 6 talents for each hero. By 2021, they were aiming for a full system of 3 trees with multiple upgrades for each hero. Massive scope-creep. However, go back and re-watch the Blizzconline 2021 presentation - there is remarkably little actual Hero Mode gameplay shown. This should be a concerning sign. Remember, there is still no-one outside of Blizzard (who isn’t under NDA) that has ever played this mode. A Talent system is cool, but it is kinda pointless if the gameplay sucks.

We don’t really have firm reasons as to why the Hero Mode system was cancelled. And we probably never well. The most boring answer is probably the most likely: it wasn’t very good, it was taking too long to develop, and it negatively impacted the other parts of them game that they could ship sooner (Story Mode + PVP).

What we do know is that building out a huge talent-tree for each hero really ties up Team 4’s hands when it comes to balancing the PVP game - the thing that actually makes them money. It isn’t a coincidence that major reworks only started to happen after this mode was cancelled for good. It also made it way harder to build and release new heroes - it added a ton of extra design, code and art overhead for every single new hero going forward. These are all things they should have thought of before scope-creeping the Talent system so much - not afterwards.

As for the Story Missions? Well, we did get 3 of them - and they really were pretty-much as-described back in 2021. And as for the rest, Blizzard have never had the courage to come out and say they’re not happening. It certainly doesn’t look like they are, though. As for why not? Well, they took a long time to develop and the ones that were released were very poorly received. So why bother making more if no-one buys them and you just get review-bombed? Easy - you don’t. The market has spoken. Simple as that.

But hey the fact that this requires a 500+ word explanation shows just how badly they messed up communication around this product from the outset. Some key mistakes:

  1. Demoing Story Mode with a talent system that it wasn’t intended to use and not being more upfront about this. Anyone who was expecting Story Missions to be ‘infinitely replayable’ or to have Talents or Hero Progression is objectively wrong. But it is Team 4’s fault that this is so widely-believed and this poor communication way back in 2019 is probably the main reason why people were disappointed with the Invsasion mission pack in 2023.
  2. Not being clear about the distinction between Story Mode and Hero Mode from the outset
  3. Not communicating target release dates - even if they were subject to change
  4. Not communicating when advertised features were no longer planned for release
  5. Going completely silent after announcing all of this. There was an obvious vacuum of information and it was filled with a whole lot of incorrect information as a result. It would’ve been super easy to make a 5 minute “What is Overwatch 2?” video and throw it on YouTube. Even better, release a monthly ‘Development diary’ video where they showcase some of the things that were coming for each new hero - that alone would’ve been enough for almost 3 years of ‘progress updates’. Just amateur-level PR.

But as I’ve said earlier in this thread, all of this points back to mismanagement on Jeff Kaplan’s part. He was in charge. It’s on him.