Why comp doesn't work

had 2409…won 2 games lost 1 went down to 2406

why is losing so punishing and winning not rewarding?
wins and losses are too need to be a little more static to feel consistent


Your mmr is probably low, play better and you will get more sr for wins.


a win is a win what does that have to do with mmr…what does that have to do with winning more than I’m losing and still losing rating…can you explain it to me I really don’t understand


It’s been a while but I think the hero you choose also plays a role, some heroes gain more and lose less (or gain less and lose more). There are other things that also go on (can’t remember if medals are taken in to account or not) but I forgot what they are.

Because sr gain an loses are affected by mmr. This system below diamond is there to keep people where they belong and helping smurfs to leave lower ranks fast so they are not staying there too long. It helps people who are generaly getting better too to climb easier.

Mmr is you internal non visible rank.

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Performance based sr is also a factor
You might’ve underperformed in the wins

The system is poorly and badly done, stop worring about it and just play “better” if you are not having fun, leave the game, for real this game is toxic, cancerous and pretty much stale at least in ranked

It’s not. You are underperforming and the system adjusts your gains/losses accordingly.

If you perform better you get more points per win that you lose; for example in my smurf I lose 10-15 and win 35+, so I climb even with 30% winrate.

You may be having a bad day/bad games if this never happened before. Otherwise you are ranked above your current play level.

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I use to believe this but both games played moira and both games got 3-4 gold medals…before you ask no i don’t throw out dmg orbs when ppl need healing…

Medals don’t matter. Least of all to the PBSR system. Your stats are/were worse than the average Moira at your same SR, so you lost more

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Back in S1 when they didn’t have tiers this was even more apparent, because you’d have to win like 6-7 games to level up and 3 to drop back down (or something like that). So they changed to the tier system to obscure that somewhat, but they didn’t actually change the underlying foundation of the system that was frustrating people. Now it just takes longer to get frustrated by it.

I’ll leave this here:

Might help you understand some of your questions you might have as to how the skill rating seems to work. :smile:

Medals do not factor into PBSR.
Your stats based on other Moiras at the same time matter, others might’ve done better compared, despite you in that specific game having gold.
Also remember, gold elims are NOT important as Moira, bc you can just suck a boi for 1hp and get an elim.

If ur MMR is low and you are losing more sr, then you belong in a lower rank or SR