Why cant we se ult charge on main screen?

So this is something I’ve been wondering since OW first came out. So much of the game is based on time your ults. Especially ults lika Anas Nano boost.

Its Kinda stupid that I have to bring up the scoreboard to see who has an ult that I can nano boost right? So in the middle of a fight, I have to bring my scoreboard up that covers my sight to see if genji has his blade or not? :stuck_out_tongue:

This is so absurd that maybe there is a way I’m just to dumb to find the setting? Its all about team play and seeing the ult charges on the screen would help the players make better decisions? I bet most people in bronze-plat are just to lazy to check so they just wing it.

And yes I understand that using voice chat and voice lines etc can help. But its clearly not being used in the lower ranks.



you can announce the ult % by a single button, it helps coordinate when other players arent in vc or people just dont want to chat

Z i think is ult voiceline (or it could be X) i cant honestly remember lol, but its one of those

i still have hope that devs just copy party ui from valorant… just to show who is alive and thier ult charges =\

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They don’t need to copy valorants party UI they can just use the same UI they have from junkensteins and the old archive missions. Or from the spectator cam.no extra work or plagiarism required they just choose not to for…reasons I guess.


Yeah, seriously. I wish they’d reconsider and I’m not alone. Here’s a thread along those same lines that got over a thousand likes:

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That doesn’t help much with learning other people’s ult % unless they themselves also choose to communicate it


It’s made extra annoying since they’ve made seperate UI for events which show your teams health and ult charges % on the screen at all time

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There was maybe an argument for this with the old UI, but not now. Far too much clutter for that.

It’s z. X is to ask for heals.

They can make it OPTIONAL setting, that way everyone is happy.

That’s not helpful considering you can’t assume people are always, or ever, going to do that so you’re just going to end up checking anyway.

The same reason why we still don’t have damage numbers over heads

Don’t worry, Blizzard said that they would add this once the “deeply replayable” PvE releases!

Which most people don’t do at all. The only people who do it are Genji mains telling their Ana to nano them.

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