Why can't people counter Hog?

Reaper soft counters hog. If he can get point blank without getting hooked he can win fairly reliably. But yeah, he isn’t a hard counter. Hog doesn’t really have any hard counters right now.

Sombra requires teamwork, mei too also she is weak, ana is good though. Dps snipers work well, reaper would be good if enemy didn’t have snipers. Torb dinks are also good.

Eh… even if you miss hook, you can usually just vape and peel back to your team. Reaper is just not the call against Hog at all. If Hog is out of position when you catch him as Reaper, he will just Whole Hog you.

Do not get me wrong, I got Reaper against bad Hog as he is one of the only answers. But a good Hog will just wreck you at worst or avoid you at best. Only pick Reaper if he can also get value against someone else too.

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Yeah, probably. Hence a soft counter. You still need a few things to go right. If you can get two or three headshots in you might be able to get the kill. But hog has no real counters at this point. Not in the same way as most other characters.

Trust me, you are preaching to the choir. I play Hog myself BECAUSE he has no counters. Even prior to the changes I believed that Ana was basically the only threat outside of an uncontested Mei. But after the rework, Mei is not a threat anymore. Just Ana…

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that’s because Mei was hit with

slow from 30-90 down to 20-70%
freeze time from 1.5 seconds to 1.3 second.
ammo from 200-120
slow falloff time from 1.5 seconds to 1 second

and now she is a throw pick.

The issue both those DPS , double sniper better option than sombra and mei, if enemy has double sniper and u have sombra, your sombra will get one tapped before she can counter the hog

Well it is quite hard to deal with someone who can pull you into him from 20 meters for a free kill, and at the same time have a 300 hp self heal with 50% dmg resistance during it to be able to escape sticky situations. Sure he has counters, everyone does. It’s just his are meh.

Looks at near 100% pick rate hog in gm, pretty much mercy 2.0 pick rate levels right now. Damn silver support mains.


Due to sound bug, it’s really hard to hear him even when he’s 5-10 steps behind you.

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Funny that that’s just the nerfs to her left click. Not counting her ult, wall, and block nerfs.

wheres the complaints about countering him in gm? just watch some top game streams, the games are pretty decent and hog gets countered by skill.

the people complaining are saying hog is 1 v 6ing them. i assume if those players are allowing a giant target to walk around their backline and slowly 1 shot them all they must be in below average ranks.

Watching the streams, we can also see that ‘Skill’, in this case, means having their own Hog, having an Ana to shut down the Hog, team coordination and focus fire.

And even then, we can see in the same Masters/GM/T500 streams that the Supports and DPS of both teams will still die many times, either to the hook or to Widow that is free to shoot at will.


Why couldn’t people just counter mercy during moth meta? Why couldn’t people just counter genji last patch? Why couldn’t people counter Brigitte when she was released? Why couldn’t people just counter double shield?


While nade is great and all, it’s not a guarantee that he’s going to die. You need both an Ana that can/does land the nade on Roadhog, and then someone to follow up with 600 damage- and that’s assuming he doesn’t get shielded or bubbled or move behind cover.

The problem is that he’s pretty hard to burst down for anyone, and so much of this game right now is about BOOM you’re dead mechanics. Because he can survive those when even characters like Reinhardt struggle to do so, he’s got a distinct advantage.

I mean, Roadhog has 600 HP, plus his take a breather right? Widow does 300 damage scoped in, fully charged, as a headshot. The most challenging shot in the game. So it takes TWO headshots to take Roadhog down, assuming he doesn’t use his breather. Compare that to Reinhardt who you can get in one headshot and a bodyshot - the difference is that Rein has a (now very weak) shield, but that’s something that’s not guaranteed to be up, meaning that Roadhog just has something that Rein doesn’t. Roadhog gets that value without holding up a shield, it’s just there, always.

Roadhog has such an intense suvivability problem that if you play him conservatively or if he’s getting pocketed by friends he’s really strong. You can’t say the same for the other tanks, which to me says that there’s a balance problem.

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Hanzo, ana, bastion (in some ocasions), junk, ashe and widow, others are more harder, like mei, sombra and reaper.
By example: Reaper dodging his hook can do fine too if roadhog won’t land at 70% of his pellets on reaper’s head.
Why? Because reaper can deal 560 damage(if headshots 100% of his pellets on roadhog) in a 1 second window. Roadhog hook takes 0.3sec + travel time, his fire takes 0.85 sec. If he tries heal himself(0.5sec) he probabilly gonna die.

Reaper can use surprise(go after he launches his hook can be the wise choice or just taunt him to use the hook) and have a smaller hitbox, so yeah. If roadhog loses his hook and reaper can hit close range, if roadhog won’t land at least 70%-75% of his pellets on reaper’s head Roadhog will probabilly will die to reaper. Reaper for sure needs be skilled to hit more than 70%-75% of his pellets in those 3 shots in roadhog’s head. Unlike roadhog who needs pellets in reaper’s head(which is smaller but in one shot) .

If roadhog uses his take the breather before fires, reaper can blow 4 shots on him (up 280 per sec up to 560 on hs per sec). Roadhog negates half so would be 4 shots with a sum of up to 560 damage. Roadhog heals around 300(taking half damage in the first shot, then starts the healing taking 2 shots, then take another shot after the healing). So his current life would be at max 480-530(530 only considering bodyshots) , his shot would be slower than reaper’s shot so he will receive another blow of up to 280. If roadhog won’t land 70-75% of his pellets on reaper’s head he probabilly will die(because reaper can land 3 shots faster than roadhog land 2 shots, if one of them it’s a headshot he will kill roadhog -> 140+140+280=560). And to be fair in 7 shots won’t land a single headshot(even with some of his pellets in each hit) on roadhog it’s almost impossible at point blank.

Sure roadhog only needs 1 shot landing at least 70-75% of his pellets in reaper’s head, but it’s one shot opportunity. Against 7 shots opportunity to land at least one decisive headshot. Before he would make 2 shots before reaper dealt 3 shots, but right now he can’t.
Reaper 0.5 sec per shot, 2 per sec (1.5 in 3 shots)
Roadhog was 0.7 sec per shot (1.4 in 2 shots), now 0.85 sec per shot(1.7 in 2 shots)

I know it’s a team play this scenario it’s not that open or free from interference for both, but him it’s not that powerful than appears, these changes made him more deadly if used in the hands of experienced players also with some degree of luckm but also made him even more slower. Right now, reaper seems more viable than before to beat him. Just surprise him avoiding his hook and make most of his pellets won’t land in your head, you can use after the hook your form wraith if you got right time to avoid his shot and then shot him in a brief split second even taking partial damage if you need to. Or just use the wraith form to avoid his hook in the first place and manage to deal with his hit

Are you saying landing nade on Roadhog is difficult when he has such massive hitbox and no mobility

Nope, one of the easiest to burst down. It just that people aren’t used to countering him because they’re used to shields too much. Any coordinated team can easily shut him down.

Rein has a barrier, means he can save himself if he’s low, and instantly gets pocketed by his team, making him nearly impossible to kill. He can block sleep dart, anti nade, unlike hog.

Which can easily be ruined by a coordinated team having proper use of CC. There’s a reason why flanking Reins became too common nowadays. Flanking for team shatter almost guaranteed a team kill. Rein also gets pocketed by his team (through Ana, Zarya, Bap etc). This pretty much tells why he was the most picked tank until hog was buffed. Hog simply counters his flank strategies, which is why people hate playing Rein against him.

The bionade stops healing, but not the damage reduction. So even if he gets anti’d at 300 HP you have to cut through 600 effective HP if he TaBs to kill that Hog… before he gets into cover, bubbled, shielded, etc.

Their is never any reason to NOT TaB, even if you know the enemy can stun it… you just forced their cool-down too.

People making it so hard. I play Zen and discord him while he’s being attacked.

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tell that to owl teams getting 3-0d by Washington justice

just go Mei 4head

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