Why cant monkey be given the 3 sec Boooster Treatment

Give him 4 sec Jump pack for 2weeks … say its too strong then up it to 5.25 secs from its original 6secs

A whole 0.75s shaved off


He’s actually completely fine.


Its just for 2 weeks of Fun… just like D.va 3sec boosters (current 4s is good) previous 5s would make her unfun/hassle to play

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This post clearly tells me you do NOT play Winston or at least correctly.

Jumping on someone does decent damage combine with zap and melee and you are dishing it out.

Maybe his jump pack can reset on a kill perhaps… but a jump pack on 4 seconds … you’re bananas my dude.


3sec boosters was bannanas as well

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So is this I hate D.Va post in reality?

I think Winston is pretty okay. I wouldn’t suggest shorting his jump pack cd that is a soft cc, dps, and mobility.

But if it was reset on a direct jump pack kill then let’s discuss because that would be nice to be rewarded for skill and have a means to get out.


5sec d.va boosters [is also that] was dropped to 3s, later upped to 4 secs

whats wrong with shaving 0.75s >?

Surprisingly, Winston has had nothing except buffs in the last few years. He’s the only tank with a shield to survive nerfing unless if you count 1000 -> 600 -> 700, but we ignore that.


Nah, he definitely doesn’t need that.

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He is too thick to be flying around like that.
It would be bad for his bones like mercy herself said in stormrising.

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I think the distinction is more AnchorTanks vs DiveTanks vs Hog/Zarya.

And my guess is the devs are pushing for Dive to be stronger.

And by “completely fine” you mean, barely any pickrate at any skill tier.


well they could remove brig from comp to make dive viable

While Brig is certainly a factor, I think Sigma’s stun is the one that’s driving things now. Since Brig seems to be getting a lot less usage.

And good luck doing anything useful with Winston if they got Sigma/Hog. Two ranged stuns.

Tack on a Discord, and he’s dead meat.

Might be nice if D.va could block Accretion somehow, or just remove Accretion stun entirely.


I have been posting on online forums for what? 16 or so years? You have the most remarkably one track mind I have ever seen on somebody


Pickrates don’t necessarily correlate to how good or bad a hero is. There’s a hundred other variables to consider and pretending otherwise is just disingenuous. Winston is a pretty good hero, he’s simply not played a lot. Same goes for a couple other dudes.


They do correlate to how popular it is to use a hero, where how strong they are is a major component.

And you’d think you’d want a variety of heroes getting used.

Particularly when you have a lack of Tank players, and mobility Tanks are inherently fun.
And also, more Dive strength is a great way to avoid high sustain metas like DoubleBarrier.

That’d be hilarious though. Imagine seeing a huge monkey jumping around every 3 seconds.

You could almost do it infinitely, because jumping normally alone vertically, straight to the sky gives you almost 2 seconds alone of air time. If it were 3 seconds you could do it right away when you land and that’ll be pretty broken.


Any buff to Winston CDs is very dangerous, he could potentially become unpunishable. Leaping should be a trade off, reducing the cooldown reduces that choice.

You know what would very nice yet low key change for Winston? Make Primal 500 HP + 50% DR rather than 1000 HP straight up.

Less ult charge fed, more effective healing received, more armor to be used, but same effective HP.


Winston is very weak right now in general