Why can't genji be nerfed?

also you can solve almost all of these with the amount of stuns in the game

1.- Overextend 10 meters with MCCREE you are DEAD…
2. Overextend 10 meters with HANZO you are dead…
3.- Overextend 10 meters with Junkrat you are dead
4.- Overextend 10 meters with REAPER you are dead

I can CONTINUE… also Sombra damage is LAUGHABLE compared with genji Shuryken + Slash + mele = Slash reset to escape…

reaper can become invulnrable, 10 meters is nothing

Haha. The kid is salty and dont have arguments to defend his “lolhero”.

C mon put to work your BRAIN and give arguments to defend your trash hero.

You didn’t even make an argument, you just listed all of genjis abilites and labeled them as “escape tools” :joy: what a joke

he is more arguing that you two would have different perspectives depending on your experiences
Edit: or thats just me

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Because then the OWL won’t have those AmAaaAaAAaAaAzing nanoblades dude!!

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Truest thing ever said right here

It’s not overextending if you have a way to easily get back to safety.

This is common sense, why do I need to explain this to people so often?

Since you’re pretending the Genji has perfect accuracy for this argument, let’s pretend Sombra does too, in which case Sombra’s DPS is higher and isn’t reliant on a cooldown ability.


1.- Slash: Noooooo is not a escaping ability is a DAMAGING one… What are you talking about Vic you “The GENJI MAINS use slash STRICKLY to kill targets with LOTS of MECHANICAL-SKILLS” Ok? at level of WIDOWMAKER headshots… Sorry i need 500 Hours on genji to MASTER slash…

2.- Wall vertical walk: Nooooo is not a escaping ability… Is a STRATEGIC way to make distance between the character is attacking me as genji. NOOOO is not a escaping ability go up 10 meters on a vertical way. No dude you are INSANE…

3.- Double-Jump: Noooo no genji hit-boxes are at size of a normal 200HP hero… I use double jump because that look ARTISTIC and FANTASTIC… No no i dont use double jump to make the boxes of my character more TINY and to AVOID shots. NO no a silver Mccree can HEADSHOT me on the air when im double jumping… You are are out of your mind VIC… Genji double jump is ART…

4.- Deflect: No no is not an ability to survive. YOU ARE A TROLL VIC. I use this ability to protect myself to ENEMY Attacks because genji is a rock without mobility. So deflect is not ability to defend myself ok? if i deflect your GRAVITON or your DEADeye was your MISTAKE cuz you are not skilled player.

5.- Genji ULT: No no this ult SUCKS and need lots of skills. You are OUT OF YOUR MIND again man. This ultimate is so weak you barely can kill somebody just hide behind of rein shield and you will be fine

“No no dont touch GENJI he is a HIGH-SKILL celling hero” the most hardest character to use… Dont touch him ok? HE HAVE enough counters MEI AND SYM!

HA…HA…HA… The way GENJI mains see his lolhero

Like i already said, go one trick genji to Grandmaster/Top 500 right now if he’s as easy as you make him out to be. Prove me wrong.

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honestly even them getting to diamond would be impressive

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You’re clearly not willing to have a proper discussion or debate with anyone here so please exit the thread. You’re not contributing anything constructive to it.

I promise you if you put half as much time into improving at the game as you have been complaining about Genji you’ll find that he isn’t as big of an issue as you think he is.


AHHHHHHH NOOO DONT SPeak bad about GENJII do not tell the others the true. DONT TALK NEGATIVE ABOUT MY HERO. PLEASE go out of the topic so we can continue BRAIN-WASHING the rest of the playerbase

We dont have arguments or BRAIN to debate with you please ABANDON the topic please =((((((( =((((((((( =(((((( please go out VIC PLEASE =((((((( “CRY in a corner as genji main”

It’s not this at all, you’re the one who isn’t producing any coherent arguments, just ad-hominem, strawmen and probably a dozen other fallacies that I could name if I could actually read your ‘arguments’ instead of just seeing a wall of caps and misused punctuation.


my problem with this, is that you gloss over the amount of hard counters Blizzard has put in EG: (pre nerf) doomfist, moira and brig, then theres the counters that have always been here: (new) Sombra and torb, I could list more but they are sort of a grey area

Did genji piss in your cornflakes or something? It seems like you have a lot of anger and distress built up around genji, that’s not healthy man you should get that checked out

You know that Genji can deflect Doomfist’s punch right? It doesn’t reflect it but it stops the damage and knockback.

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No its that you should just go because your slamming your head against a brick wall here, the fact you are straw manning this hard to try and display every genji player as the: ULTIMATE NARUTO GENJI TWELVIE. This clearly demonstrates your lack of seeing the other side.


so, then just uppercut him so he cant move, land some dinks, and if you entered with a seismic slam, he should almost be dead
Edit: and notice that I said pre nerf since thats what he has been for the majority of time