Why can't genji be nerfed?

I find it funny that people still don’t understand that the reason why off-healers like Lucio and Zenyatta are must picks is because they’re unique in what they offer.

Lucio makes you faster which means the enemy has a harder time tracking and it gives you point advantage at the start of KOTH for example. Zenyatta helps you delete enemies faster.

They nerfed deflect hitbox too


“Blizzard nerf Brigitte because I’m a bad babyrage”

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It is though. He does have leniency yes, but knowing the limits of that leniency and exploiting them is still good positioning. They aren’t mutually exclusive.

Playing flawlessly on Genji and Tracer is not possible though, their skill ceilings are infinite, and as such the better you use his kit the harder it is to punish you. It’s not an easy thing to do at all. Not even professional players can play Genji and Tracer ‘flawlessly’.

That’s a question you should be asking OP, along with HiddenPants and others in this thread who call genji OP and beg for nerfs when they probably have less than 2 hrs on the hero

I never said that Zenyatta is in meta because of Genji. I’m just saying that whatever comp you are playing, you need zenyatta if enemy have Genji.
Otherwise you lose

I mean you’re objectively wrong here, so there’s no point even trying to debate this point.

Yup that’s what I’m saying, discord. If zen didn’t have that ability or if it was nerfed significantly he’d be kinda useless. Not that he needs nerfs, he’s arguably one of the most balanced chars

But it’s easier to survive with bad positioning if you have leniency.

I know they have infinite skill ceilings. That doesn’t mean that they have really high skill floors though. They are relatively easy to get value out of.

brig was overpowered
genji is balanced

if you disagree you have zero understanding of how to balance the game

this is why brig is getting nerfed and genji is not. blizzard understands this. you do not


Dude your arguments are stupid what are you saying dash isnt op but hes op nothing in his kit is op plenty of heroes have kits MUCH better
look at hammond he dosent even get played and he can hook and reach places a genji needs more than 1 dash to get to, hes a lot quicker for every enemy near him his shield goes up higher much better than a deflect hammond can actually attack while defending does that mean hammonds too op?

maybe just MAYBE its not genji its the player

That’s not even true. Zenyatta is the easiest kill for a Genji not to mention he can get up close and deflect his shots. Moira is a better choice since she can deal with him herself while being able to escape him.


It’s not bad positioning if you can easily return to the safety of your team

Yet almost every person who says this has horrendous stats on said heroes.

I didnt say dash or deflect are op i said they were easy. It’s dragonblade that’s the problem.

As we can see OP is a big fan of making stuff up to fit his narrative, and he gets exposed for being wrong with each additional post that he types


That isn’t how it works. If the Genji is bad at positioning, his tool make it easy for him to survive with that bad positioning.

Probably because they don’t play them. Genji isn’t skilless, he is just easier than people say he is.

I do think Brigitte was overpowered, but why exactly she was created?
Hummm I see…

LMAO. This is probably the funniest thing I’ve read is this forum today. Ok ok the “blizzard knows what they’re doing” argument, it’s time to get some rest.

“Blizzard nerf Brigitte because there was actual reasons why she needed a nerf, like the fact that most of her kit she could use without being punished.”


It’s exactly how it works.

If the Genji has bad positioning then he’ll get punished regardless of having Swift Strike as an escape. It’s common sense. Being in a place where you can easily get back to safety is the definition of good positioning.

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Only if you are in low ranks. Zenyatta in Master and GM can deal with him, specially because discord is too strong