Why can't blizzard fix there matching!

I have been trying to climb and am the only one carrying. But because blizzard algorithms SUCKS so much they have made it impossible to climb and therefore get better at the game. I’m calling out game devs for your crap work.

This game is so broken and you contribute to depression cause all I want to do is learn and get better but you have made it impossible because of your garbage back end design.

if u were carrying you wouldnt lose majority of your games.


What should someone do to carry a <500 match? Exist ok that’s what I thought. I’ve been existing for 5+ years and I win about 10% of the bottom 1% matches.

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If you’re trying to carry then you’re doing it wrong.

You’re supposed to play together not carry an entire team.

Group up beforehand and start playing together damnit.
You want to learn and become better, you’re not focussing on the correct things.

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You never watched the replay I posted for you, nor did you give me a replay to review of your gameplay.

You are a liar.

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The original post is correct. Competitive play is handicapped. More information:

You are not carrying, as simple as that. Otherwise you would actually climbed. You belong in the rank you are in because of your mistakes.

Get your VODs Reviewed and work on fixing your mistakes, you will climb this way.

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It seems you are not aware that competitive play is handicapped

Nope, I don’t believe that. I started out as a Gold Player myself, spent time improving myself and got to Masters. If I can do it, you guys can do it too.
Though it seems like most people would rather complain and blame the matchmaker and other people for their own mistakes and losses causing them to be hardstruck.

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Seen. I’ll contact you if things aren’t fixed by OW2!

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Are you someone’s alt? I posted replays and watched those of others in a recent thread.

Their matchmaking algorithm is fine. It’s the players that are ruining the matchmaking by yo-yo smurfing, or alting on throw accounts for lulz, or just climbing on their 8th or 9th account for some reason. All of those things move everyone playing legit into the wrong spots and then they get tilted, which makes match quality go down even more.

It’s frustrating as anything, but it just means that climbing is more grindy. It doesn’t stop you unless you don’t have the free time to beat the grind. I think most people are more interested in a fair, fun match and just express their frustration as rank paralysis because they think that the same things won’t be happening at the next rank up… but they do. If the game FELT fun and fair, people would be a little less focused on their rank and hoping the game will get better up higher.

What IS Blizzard’s fault is not actioning bad-faith accounts more quickly and sternly or providing a safe-haven queue for accounts in good standing (over level 250, no sanctions, SMS authenticated).

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Time of day plays an important part too. Matchmaker cant tell the person the person that plays godly at 8am then matches him up equally at 9pm when he’s had a couple of drinks or tokes. not just this game but every competitive game.

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