Why can widowmaker one shot someone every 720 milliseconds

No you don’t get it

once Widow escape it’s over

That’s why every Widow has a 0 death count unless they died to another Widow


Every map has more than one high ground spot. The world is quite literally her oyster. It’s easy to restart offensive. Especially considering the Winston who just dived you is stuck in your backline until his stuff recharges, and his team is stuck without the main tank.

Shoot away. Even if he comes back and actually manages to dive you this time, you’re bound to get 2-3 kills by that point if you’re a good Widow.

Again, with so much high ground in this game, Widow is never out of position.


Except when she has to escape and can no longer see your team? She isn’t invincible, if she was, she would be played all the time

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She is played all the time. Every pro match has a Widow going up against another Widow these days, and the teams that don’t have one are called “losing teams”.

Even GOATS, which you’d think would be a no-brainer having next to nothing she can one-shot, stopped working.


Do I care? No, she isn’t unbeatable.

Maybe because it has been nerfed and a new character added? The game changed, so will the comps

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If GOATS stopped working then why is blizzard trying so hard to put a nail in the coffin for them? Oh wait… it’s not.

But yeah I forgot. Only PRO PLAYERS count in this forum. Those who can instantly pop every head they shot at.
It’s not like somebody could miss a shot right?


Welp, idk, i cant one shot people even every 5 minutes :man_shrugging:

Because shes gone to the head.

Because people aren’t robots with 100% accuracy.

Soldier can kill a 200 hp hero every 555 milliseconds plznerf.


When every single pro match has her only beaten by another one of her, that’s not “unbeatable” to you?

Yeah. And now the only team comp that works against double sniper is… double sniper. Partially because of Shimada-No-Weaknesses-San, partially because of Widow.

Because people keep complaining about it even though it’s basically dead. It’s not the first time, nor the last time, when they nerfed something to the ground well past reason, simply because it’s been shouted at one too many times.

I mean, if I based my arguments at games I get(as opposed to pro games), what would be the point? I can pick Sombra and uncloak next to all the Widows who unanimously play without audio cues and take her out with a point blank burst, but imagine if I tried that sheet with a pro?

Or because I could pick Junkrat and kill Brigittes at the height of their power kinda no problem, means she was never an issue? You see how bad of an argument that would be?

Bad players are not representative of a character strength. Good players are. And pro players kind of have a stand or two at being good. That’s why pro games represent the game’s balance, not “we all got full-held by a Torb, nerf pls” kind of games.


I’m not touching on the rest of your nonsense but this is a blatant falsehood.

The teams that dominate T1 basically one-trick Rein GOATs. This can be trivially verified via VODs of stage 2 finals, which were played a couple of weeks ago. The most successful DPS team against GOATs to date has been Shanghai, off the back of Pharah and Sombra… not Widow.

The things that come close to breaking GOATs in T2 are Element Mystic’s Sombra/Doomfist comp and Clockwork Vendetta’s take on bunker, neither of which feature Widow.

You don’t have to lie to prove a point, and in fact it harms your argument to do so.


Widow might need nerfs, but the brain of people walking into her LoS and being like “omg i’ve been One-shoted D:” needs a buff, on the other hand.

How many times did I slowly approached from an Off-angle to be able to Dive a Widow as Winston, only to see half of my team, not waiting for the Dive Tank to do his job, and just happily walk into her scope ?

I do not like snipers, that’s for sure. But she is not getting any damage nerf anytime soon, so I might just adapt and play smart vs her.
Consider doing the same, and pray that your team follows.

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Not with such reliability

Yeah but you said this: “Why can Widowmake one shot someone every 720 milliseconds
This is not a bad player, this is not a good player. Hell this isn’t even a pro player. This is a PERFECT player you are talking about. Someone who no matter what will always place a headshot every 720 milliseconds.
You know how many people in the world can do this constantly? 0. none. without aimbot that is.

Sure, widow is a threat. This is why there are audio cues specifically meant to tell you that there’s a widow in the game. But if you are a 200 hp target and walk around the field like there’s no danger at all then that’s on you.
The teams tanks are meant to do that because they can resist her. Reinhardt and Orisa, borth carry massive shields that just so happen to lay safe places.
And let’s be honest, it’s not like she can always see the whole battlefield. Not every spot on the maps have complete visibility of the whole track (maybe except for Kingsrow which has an amazing quantity of high spots for her), and even those who do, are really far away.

SIDE NOTE: When you relocate you can’t just pop into the offensive. Even if you can get three headshots non-stop you still need to recon again the position of possible threats, specifically (but not only) the dps/tank that jumped on you before, or you will die.


Why can McCree kill the whole team with one click. Way too op Nerf pls

(I guess it must be rocket science for some.) Um… because she’s a sniper. I know right. Go figure.

Because she’s a genetically altered assassin with a really powerful rifle. And is also a fictional character in a video game.

How many players in game are you seeing achieve this feat with consistency and regularity?


Shhhhh don’t be spreading the truth around here. What kind of heretic are you?


I’d be almost fine with this but she can oneshot at any range. Even point blank. Shouldn’t snipers be like useless at close range?

Skill is meant to be rewarded. Now can we stop with these posts