Why can brig stun rein out of charge?

see when rein charges into a doomfist punch, they both get stunned, implying that rein charge is equally powerful as doom punch.

now when rein charge into a brig shield bash, rein get stunned, wtf? so Brig shield bash is more powerful than rein charge and doomfist punch? makes no sense.

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no clue.12 characters.

Not sure where, but I remember hearing that both get knocked down like with doom punching charging rein on PTR or something.


It’s on the PTR

Shield Bash
Now knocks down and gets knocked down by other charging targets (e.g Reinhardt and Doomfist)


oh ok so somebody at blizz agrees with me then, always get annoyed when brig just bashes me out of charge


it was changed on the ptr so

Check ptr patch notes also while it does stop rein charge doomfist punch always beated it out

Nicolas: Brig
Community: Everyone else

thanks lol

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Its always nice to check the ptr

I tried that yesterday in comp out of a reflex and was slightly annoyed when I realized: It’s not yet live. XD

same way mccrees stun grenade can stop both df and rein.