Why are these Custom Games so common/popular? Why is there a lack of new custom games?

If you look at the game browser, you will always see the same type of games like:

  • Widow HS Only
  • Hide & Seek
  • If I See You Move, You Die
  • Ana Paintball
  • Mercy Boxing
  • 500% Everything
  • Chill/Kill
  • Boss Battle
  • 1v1

Why are these custom games common/popular on the game browser?
You rarely see a custom game that has a different idea.

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Because most are mindless fun, a break from normal gameplay, and the rest are to warm up


As someone who plays the following regularly, I can maybe give some reasons:

Mercy boxing:
in OCE, we’ve built up a strong community in Mercy Boxing - almost everyone knows each other, and we’re all good friends. It’s also super fun to fly around and punch eachother?

I’ve made EXTREMELY close friends in this mode, adn while people get extremely toxic, it’s still a pretty fun mode - and if you git gud at it, it’s super ez.

500 everything:
it’s chaotic and fun. that’s really it

it’s nice to relax after stressful games and just throw a dance party, or try match sprays with other people! it’s a good way to unwind.

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ana paintball is fun

People like simple stuff for their simple brains. That’s why I play Reaper

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Custom games are severely lacking in the features department. There are so many ideas being thrown around to make custom games interesting, but we are limited to basic tools. Basic tools create basic modes. I dream of a day that we can get more freedom. More infinite ults, the ability to use older builds of heroes, the ability to customize different variations of the same hero on a team, a map editor, and so much more. Until then this is all we got.


Someone make more 1 shot 1 kills pls.

I made a mode where I nerfed, buffed, or outright changed a characters role (Overwatch - Code: Destruction) but no one wanted to join because the other ones are so popular.

I’m hoping Warcraft 3 Reforged satisfies that itch of the modding community making great games. I doubt we’ll ever get to that level in OW.

These are the two things I want most. Rather quote and smash the

button then just restating it.

The others are nice two but these two are what I’m seriously wanting to see eventually.

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THIS is why:

Blizzard just ignored this over and over.

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You make custom games that end up getting locked-out because of an on-going bug (almost one year with this). What’s the point of making detailed modes when you end up losing them the next month?

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