Why are there so many mercy mains on the forums?

In Brigitte’s case, all categories were saying something. It’s not just one or the other.

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Um…like…excuuuuse you I so happen to love my little hamster overlord thank you. flips hair and snaps neck

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Yikes, that’s going to hurt later. Careful.

My question is: where are my lore mains on the forum?

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And her skill ceiling is as high as the heavens she descended from

When you aren’t happy about something, you come to the forum to complain.

When you ARE happy with things, you’re too busy PLAYING the game to come to the forum


There are subs like mercymains sombramains symmetramains but in those they are among themselves so its not that fun to complain/spam.

Raises hand with neck brace on resembling Regina George


Because Mercy Main are being insulted in game, so they have more time to come on forums, and DPS main don’t get insulted, so they play more.
Btw Mercy is my most played, but I didn’t want to, that’s jusg because I need to SoloHeal, I have no Aim, so not Ana, and Moira wasn’t there, so i played here when she was Op, then continue playing her, even if I can play Moira sometimes.

they died long time ago. the first year we had 50/50 of complains and lore talk but blizzard stopped focusing on lore so that site of the community died

It’s more like blizzard stopped focusing on anything that has to do with the community. They only care about OWL with unrelatable teams and ugly skins.

I can confirm – It appears Reddit dislikes Mercy down to the core when it comes for balance discussions, so any sort of defense towards her must be getting instantly downvoted.

Can’t say that Mercy threads wouldn’t get downvoted here as well if we still had the button. They get overwhelming and a bit spammy at times.

DPS were the most vocal out of the bunch tho.

Step into my office then…which is totally not just a pillow fort and a blanket. Painkillers and tea are for free.

It doesn’t have to be on Blizzard’s end. Just generally talking about lore is much more entertaining than “nerf/buff/remove ________!!!” threads. I rather read random theories than someone tilted about being eliminated in the game.


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Same here but they can’t do that. They are busy figuering out ways to make more millions of $$$

not true the biggest communities in ow are genj, dva and mercy players.
it used to be balanced but dps players got indirectly get bullied off the forums.
you should have seen when it was possible to downvote topics, anything said by a dps player or genji got downvoted so strong it turned into a joke.

Again, OWL and all that is subjective. But lore discussions has nothing to do with what Blizzard is doing. For example, we need more people making lore threads than nerf/buff threads. As in the players themselves.

I remember a time when Soldier was considered OP. Those were the days on the old forum.


snaps neck again from too much excitement


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You’re right :thinking: shoulda said Mercy one tricks.

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Oh I meant actual deletion due to lack of any meaningful content, not being downvoted into oblivion, though that also happens.

who doesnt remember season 3 forums. it was epic to read the forums. 76, roadhog dva and ana.