Why are tanks even in the game?

With 5v5 I often hear it’s better no more double shield.
But I wonder what the point of having a tank in the game is?
What is the difference between a barrier and a tank with loads of mitigation tools or so much health that its the same as shooting a barrier.

Why have a tank?

Is there any “tank” left?

All tanks should basically be played as dps now the only difference is the health.
What is the point of doomfist or zarya or hog.
Why would you play rein?

5v5 didn’t delete 1 tank it deleted both tanks.
The game is 0-3-2 and I am tempted to say 0-5-0 or it will be soon.

What is the purpose of tanks and or supports in this format?

Double shield isn’t gone its just not visible
It now just comes in tank health and support survivability, or it will come.

(Its just a rant).

Yeah and another thing…. How to fix hog and orisa and many other tanks, nerf them untill they are at the same lvl as dps and have them play as dps. Hog would’ve been fine with a one shot if he had 200hp.

And tanks can’t make space anymore, rein used to take space and that created sort of a safe space behind him, now that hes solo tanking the safe space reaches as far as his hammer you’re not creating space thats gone if there is nobody to protect that space.




In theory, the current tank job is about making space.
Which means, you get to be in a place while not being at much of a risk as any other hero.
You can either push enemies back from it (cc, or high aoe pressure) or just stand your ground with a lot of survive ability.

In the past, this job was more unique because the way you did all of this is by providing the team with a bit of that power as well, using your protections. Since you could live longer, it also made sense you would do less damage but aoe damage, so enemies have time to give up the space instead of just dying.

Nowadays, tank job was limited to. “They are slow, so they get to be fat dps because enemies will run away from their damage+survive ability”.


He’s saying all the tanks are just fat DPS now, not actually “tanks”. And saying support will soon be the same.

Not entirely wrong, either.


Sigma, Reinhardt, Winston… those are the tanks a 1 tank meta needs in my opinion. They can peel for their team. Doomfist, Roadhog… those are brawlers. Basically tanky DPS. They fit in between tank and DPS but don’t bring anything to the table to help protecting their teams.

Those tanks should be checked.


I just don’t get why players keep moaning about double shields and not Sigma, when he is the one that degenerated the whole gameplay to begin with. Not to mention the fact that double shields wasn’t even a meta comp as dive comps were the meta towards the end of OW1 after they nerfed the Hog/Zarya/Ashe/Zen explosion meta comp. And even if you try to argue that “meta doesn’t matter” then still nobody complained about double barriers when it was Orisa/Rein/Winston combinations. Willfully ignoring the toxic nature of Sigma’s release just because it’s fun to play the strong swiss knife of generalist tank is just toxic mentality, especially when it’s done at the expense of other healthy tanks like Orisa, just because you personally might not like playing them that much

That’s the whole problem with tanking. Sigma just happened to be the new barrier tank that was released in a state that made him the best iteration of a hero to ever exist in the entire lifespan of OW1, in which he could’ve even been the best solo tank even in an OW2 environment without any changes. So the incompetent devs decided to keep practising toxic hero favoritism towards him and it ruined the game so much they decided to go for the esports 5v5 mentality, which ruined the game even further. The whole tank ordeal and how they handled it over the years was a complete pooshow and anyone involved who agreed with the overall course of it should be permanently exiled from the field. Because they are largely responsible for ruining the strongest IP on the field and causing immeasurable amounts of damage

How horribly tanks were handled is just one of the telltales of why every other FPS game kept gaining more players and higher retention rates and more market segment, while this game just died and is still dying and irrelevant even after “a new launch”. Their inability to admit that they’re just completely wrong on certain parts of the game even if it’s policies or design philosophies they’ve spanned over a longer period of time is why the game is doomed. It will not survive this type of willful ignorance or padding each other on the back saying “it’ll be fine” which it won’t be


Lets fix it by turning all dps in to tanks then. (and some to support)
Who need this bad role with no impact to exist anyway, it only leads to problems with balance of the rest of the game.

Yeah brawler’s give them 200hp and put them in dps.
Maybe 5v5 could’ve work then.
But not with these OP dps characters in tank roles.

Tanks are the only thing that makes this game unique.


Yeah I agree but in OW2 I don’t see what they are supposed to do other then dps and survive longer then others, wich is the same as just a dps role.
They are unique but also obsolete in a way.
Nerf their health and they are just normal dps.
Why do we have them if not for taking space hold chockes defend backlines, basicly control the battlefield.
Why do we still have them?
I’m looking for a purpose anything to justify them being there and be called tanks.

You have a very narrow view in what tanks and supports are supposed to do. So tanks are supposed to be barrier bots and supports are supposed to be healbots? That’s not fun for anyone. Fun>”role identity”


Tanks are tanks in OW2 and they’re way more fun to play than they were in OW1.


I’m asking what they are supposed to do or what their purpose is in the game?

Same as before….Make space/draw fire/engage enemy

Not so much protecting others


Yeah but make space for who? Who’s holding the created space. Is there safe space behind a tank? And why would you shoot at a tank when its easier to kill everything else?

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Make “space” doesn’t mean that people are standing directly behind the tank

It can (in some cases)…but it’s more about being able to do your job more effectively because the enemy is worried about someone else….as they should be when they got something right in their face that can wreck em (some are better than others)

Ignoring the tank is an option….not without risk though…it’s not unlike what ignoring a genji in the back line was like before

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People who can’t aim and don’t want to heal others need a role too. Leave Tanks alone.

Yeah but I can come up with 24 new tank characters all have a 1000hp health that can do the same job.
What make the current tanks, tanks?

Not so many apparently thats why they went 5v5.

Sometimes all it takes is bigger hp pools….but it’s the same as it was before….it’s just less focused on a physical barrier now

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Well thats my point.
Give reaper a 1000HP and voila a new tank.
Nothing makes tanks unique now.
They are just dps.
Hog 200 hp and let him flank perfect dps.
Why do they get to have more hp they need it.
Give that hp to reaper or genji they can do the same job.
Overatch turned into any other fps game but with the difference that on each team one player gets to cheat with health.