Why are quiet enemy footsteps still a thing? 2017-2020, Fix this already

I feel like reaper, mccree and pharah flanking sounds being drowned out more often than the rest is because if they can succesfully flank soundlessly, it’s because there’s a team fight going on where you focus on the fight and your ears are focusing on anything that you cannot visually see. Reaper, pharah and mccree all have tendency do go for flanks to make plays.

Even if tracer is flanking, for some reason you can still hear her zipping around regardless of any fights. But footsteps and pharah jets aren’t abilities unlike blink. Zenyatta unironically makes more sounds when he’s flanking due to volley charge than these random dps who can take opportunities to flank when their footsteps become quiet. These days they don’t even bother to crouch, they just walk into my behind and delete me.

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The only time I hear him flank. Is if he uses his abilities by mistake. That’s how loud a footstep needs to be. In order to beat 6 people fighting.

The other day I lost a match because I decided to push in on an engagement in order to kill the ONE widowmaker I heard, because I’d been doing a rather good job of cleaning her up in close range - only to abruptly find that it wasn’t just her, even though I only heard her heels, but her ENTIRE TEAM, or at least four of them - I was immediately killed because it was a blind corner but like ~ considering that they were all actively moving running back to the point through an odd way and I could hear Widow you’d think I could have heard ROADHOG and those fat feet and jingle jangle ~ but no, not a sound!


All the heel sounds are very easy to hear, widow and mercy make a lot of clickety clack sounds.

But anything else including a reinhardt and roadhog stomping around? Nah, not important haha.


Cuz y’know, gotta give the disadvantage to those super strong squishy characters e_e tis only fair!

I’ve asked whoever it was that flanked me in game chat multiple times if they were crouched when coming up behind me, and most of the time they say no they weren’t.

It just makes no sense. I just want to play the game without getting annoyed because of how often this happens.


Just watching some old videos for fun and oh boy.

42:49 Reaper footsteps, so 2017. When you still heard him clearly stomping around and which direction. I honestly had forgotten what his footsteps sounded like, it has been too long and it’s wrong.

I’m sick and tired of all the important, silent sounds this game has that I should be aware of.

Why blizzard, is this still a thing? Fix it, it’s been more than 2 years since sounds have been broken.


We need a fix for this. Hog being a silent assassin is a little much.


I agree! I get annoyed when brig has probably got the loudest footsteps and armour clunking when she poses literally no threat

2020 and the game still have this problem :frowning:

Brig actually has next to zero footstep sounds when her shield is up lol she’s just as bad as reaper and mccree

Today Jjonak fell prey to silent footsteps from mccree who flanked him like 5 minutes before I made this post. He had no clue mccree was there due to no footsteps. Mccree wasn’t crouching. Even one of he best players in the world suffer from this issue, its not because of hardware, its because blizzard has messed something up with their sound design.

Fix silent footsteps now, especially as a support player, I am sick and tired of free flanks because this silence favours dumb flankers. Players shouldn’t need rearview mirrors to play this game.


that mei dying made my whole day. I know this isnt about the topic but still
I am playing this everytime I wanna kill mei.
relaxing :relaxed:

It’s really bad with roadhog. The only thing I’ll ever hear is the hook and by then it’s too late

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I never hear Hog’s footsteps. But I can hear his chain rattling sometimes. I really was wondering why some players say that they need to listen to surroundings. Besides gunshots, most things seem pretty quiet.

Yea some heroes are fine… Widow heels and Junkrat pegged leg no problem… Hanzos and Reapers sneaking up behind me… I don’t know until he starts shooting and then I’m dead.
Really messed up considering a Widow isn’t likely to sneak up behind me but a Reaper definately is. I thought maybe it was my headphones until I started seeing more posts like this.
Also doesn’t help when I’m partially deaf in the first place and directional hearing is bad for me - now there’s sometimes literally a 0% chance I’m gonna know I’m being snuck up on.

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It used to work before summer 2017, but after that some heroes are just completely silent. I even see it on streams and these guys have way better equipment than I do.

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necroing so degens at blizzard might see this, just lost 99 games in a row because roadhog has no footsteps

they don’t even read the forums so you’ll have no luck with that

Well believe it or not, I have waaaay more issues with footsteps being too loud than too low. I’ve had so many times that I flanked and barely moved but the game still played my footsteps unreasonably loud to the enemy and screwing me over. Example (use headset):

This used to not work this way and I believe Blizzard changed this a while ago to due forum threads like these.