Why are placements so stupid. Please tell me if im just bad

I went 6:4 in placemenys and got 1399. I can say that my pharah is well above a bronze rank because I am constantly performing well. Getting as high as 46 elims and 17k damage. My accuracy is pretty good with her. Half of my games im carrying. Like i get it. Placements land you where you last left off. I landed bronze last season due to 4 games of leavers. And i admit not my best time. I plaued tank mostly. But if u r performing at a high lebel shouldnt you at least place up a rank?

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What is your previous season’s skill rating? There is no hard resets for skill rating/hidden MMR when a new season begins. Details in my Competitive F.A.Q. guide here.

Placements are based off previous seasons with a higher swing in sr for winning or losing, fresh accounts are auto placed mid gold for a fair shot to climb or fall

I ended 1330. Not much of an increase. Like maybe place me high bronze at leaat. Ik i performed way better than last season

You got those stats playing against bronze players, placements aren’t a reset and you usually end up playing with people of a similar mmr to yours.

You won 6 and lost 4, which gained you 66 sr from last season which is similar gains to what you would get during the regular season if you played particularly well all games.


I see where you are coming from. But if im able to get those stats against bronze players shiyldnt i be able to be placed in high bronze

Not necessarily.

Stats like this don’t tell the whole story. Are you capturing objectives? communicating with your team? Killing the right targets in the right order? Making sure to group up and prevent stagger? Calling out targets?

My kills were higher when I was in silver because there were a lot more players out of position. It didn’t help my team to perform any differently from the enemy though.

The team that wins will be the one that has it’s s*** together.

Placements are normal games, just hidden +/- 25 SR. Maybe 40 if youre new and dont play many matches.

So you went +69 SR higher than your previous point after effectivelly winning +2 matches. You got +34.5 SR per win for your described good performance.

Math is working.
System is working.
Dont expect statistical accuracy if you provide low double digit samples.
Keep performing well and winning against bronze players and you will climb to silver.

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You went 6-4 and went to 1399. That’s +69 SR for 2 wins. What exactly are you expecting? Placements are not really anything but an extension of your previous season.

Yes i always make callouts. Always tsrfet supports. I zone people using pharah also. I dont trickle

If you’re able and willing, I think the absolute best thing you can do is record a few videos of some of the games that you are losing, and send them to higher ranked players for review. A lot of people here would be willing to give input.

Otherwise it’s a little tricky for us to help figure out what’s holding you back.

Well fpr update im on a 4 game winning streak

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Hell yes dude. Keep it going.

And now im 1527 so yay i climbed up to silver. Stressful game bc team was somewhat throwing. Like joking aroumd by dying. But killing the supports everytime as pharah secured the win


Do you pharah one trick normally?

This actually works quite well for as long as you can do it.

Kill the supports, let the rest of the team crumble. It just gets harder to do.

Pharah i just use for climbing. But i can play rein at a good level. I mained lucio so i can play him at a high tier. My tracking is good with soldier too. I played soldier for one of the 5 games i won to grt to solver. It was hanamura and i took high ground so the enemy couldnt touch me

Pharah is a great choice for low elo play as accuracy of others makes difficult to deal with.
Two direct rockets is enough to take out most healers and you will keep the back line is chaos, just be careful of anna and her grenade.

Try pumping damage in the front line until your team is engaged, slip line of sight then dive bomb the healers. Even if they can react you will still have caused enough confusion and maybe made some enemies turn their back to give your team an opening.

Keep going, good luck and stay positive

I really don’t think that’s true. I went 8-2 in my placements and I went up 20-some points from my ending SR from last season. If your theory was right I should have gone up 150 points.

Also, if they’re just regular ranked games, then why can’t we just be required to play 10 games per season in order to get the end of season rewards? It’s just frustrating and bizarre that there’s no apparent relationship between how I perform in my placement matches and my “new” SR.

Placements and sr gain is based off multiple factors.
During payments gain a boost to your wins and to your losses, this boost remains for a few games after your placement.
you start where you left off in the previous season, if youre new then you are placed mid gold.
The order in which you win and lose is also effects your sr, example win, lose, lose, win. Even though you are 2 and 2 you will be just under the sr of your first win.
Your team and enemy sr also plays a role, if your team is higher overall and you lose, you more sr.
Lastly if you are under diamond you gain performance based sr relative to the communities performance on the same hero.

Hope this clears things up <3