Why are peoples excited about Competitive Classic Overwatch?

You don’t. The tanks have been continuously getting nerfed, and the game is actually balanced towards DPS. These days, the team with more tanks ends up getting showered with Ultimates. What do you think would happen if the team had off meta tanks like Winston and a Roadhog, whereas the other team had four damage heroes?

When the heroes are balanced towards two tanks and two DPS per game, what do you think would happen when one team has three or four DPS? Unless the tank actually knows what he’s doing, he’s just going to feed, aaaand since it’s expected to be mostly DPS players anyway, what’s the problem?

Can’t say no to free comp points. Even though I’m diamond, a little bit of cp is better than none. Besides if i’m worried about 5 dps I Can always group with my friend who can play off tank/healers and/or accept my fate since you learn more from losing than winning.

Cause you were quoting the dude making claims based on hearsay…

“You” in general…not “you” specifically

You guys always make me laugh. Jeff said they have been tracking the stats on queue times - not just something off the top of his head - and likely they have because it is a hot topic. From their analysis of those they see queue times come down when open queue is also present. Then you come along and, with no evidence whatsoever, say the opposite and that Jeff has said things in the past which were wrong. Unfortunately this is the way of the world nowadays.

Looking at the math. If currently the problem is that there are too many DPS, and while you queue you are actually waiting for tanks and supports to be able to form 2 teams roughly matched, then it makes perfect sense the queue times would come down. Assuming many more DPS will move to open queue than tank or support then DPS queue length will shorten. There won’t be more tanks and supports though - probably slightly less, but because the number of games the matchmaker must create over time is going to be reduced (less players) the overall effect should be positive for queue times as the ratios between roles becomes somewhat more aligned.

A days worth of competitive for me.



It’s actually pretty accomodating to tank mains.

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They said they won’t. Balance first and foremost will be for 2-2-2, the ‘official’ mode.

They might, when adjusting things, keep OQ in mind but it won’t be their priority. They’re actually pretty good on the whole at not letting things get out of hand at different ranks of play with different heroes, or even in Arcade Modes. And most heroes are balanced at most ranks, most of the time. They don’t get nearly enough credit for that.

I expect we’ll have a very different meta in OQ, but that’s fine. That’s kind of the point.

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My season started out mostly 2-2-2, but ended more 1-3-2, frankly because people figured out it performed better. Even had players telling me I didn’t have to off-tank if I didn’t want to.

You mean in the quote where I’m just saying to him I’m thankful to not be back in Goats season?

I’m just stating exactly that. We aren’t in the past anymore and we’ve come a long way since then.

Yep, that was in my earlier post a few posts above that. Don’t tank if you don’t know what you’re doing. Just go DPS and burn through shields.

These are times where i actually don’t want the team to be so accomodating. My main tank got cratered, but i’m still a main, i can solo tank if i have to. Go ahead and DPS if that’s what you’re good at.

Great job with the images.

Always good to accumulate as much evidence as possible.