Why are people so intent on killing mercy?

Lets start out where the changes begin.

Mercy 1.0

Mercy could rez 5 people with her ult. However she did not have anything protecting her from damage as she did so, causing her to die after she ulted most of the time.

Mercy mains complained that rez was too easily countered because you would fly to their souls and rez them but then die immedietly due to the lack of invulnerability.

She was given invulnerability while rezzing. This was known as mercy 1.5.

Later on, the forums exploded with “nerf mercy” threads. People said that mercys would hide in a corner and wait until her opportunity to rez. She wasn’t a must pick at this point, but she was definitely meta.

Then we got mercy 2.0. A complete rework. Rez on cool down but could only rez one person. Immediate rez, no slow. New ult, Valkyrie. Mercy could free fly, had an extra rez, would chain heal/damage boost and had unlimited amo.

A ton of backlash came from this change. People saying she was too good, people saying she wasnt good enough. People wanting the old mercy back, people loving the new mercy. People were even debating that hide n rez was as wide spead as people made it out to be.

This pushed mercy in to a must pick position. If your team didnt have a mercy you lost. Did get rid of the hide and rez, since she couldn’t rez over 2 people with her ult.

They changed mery again, there was now a slow on her rez and she could no longer gain another rez from ulting. Mercy is arguably still a must pick at this point.

This was mercy 2.5

People are still claiming this rework was a success. People are still wanting mercy 1.5 back. People are still wanting a complete mercy rework.

Fast forward to now, the forums are littered with posts claiming that the REAL problem with her is her base healing and mobility. People also want her damage boost nerfed.

Where will it end? There’s a clear pattern of whats going on with mercy. Why continue?


42 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018