Why are people so afraid of supports?

Well if I am using RMB and the enemy team starts backing away, I know I’m in for an easy match to be honest and I will take full advantage of it lol.

Never seen a nerf Lucio thread. Perhaps because he’s objectively perfect. Maybe even a little undertuned.

Because here’s how it went down:
First tanks were the strongest role in the game but everyone was so new that we didn’t realize it in the open formats. After new support releases that gave us actual supports and not just constant stream of Lucio+Mercy we finally realized it and had the means to start playing multiple tanks and eventually 3-3 GOATS. DPS got powercrept naturally to meet that demand, but then they started addressing and tuned powercreep out of the game entirely

But they didn’t stop there. They kept nerfing tanks again and again and again and now we’re in a state where DPS is the strongest role in the game while tanks are just bottlenecks for the team’s ability to approach the objective with barely any value on top of that being offered in their kits. Supports? Well supports haven’t really budged that much from where they used to be either. So naturally since the 2 other roles have been going down in strength, the support role has become relatively stronger and at this point is basically the 2nd strongest role in the game and between the worst heroes in the DPS role and the best heroes in the Support role, the support heroes are considerably better than the bottom DPS. So supports are so close to being the strongest role in the game, that players are naturally starting to mald about it, mostly DPS players

In short: If you see a post malding about supports and not just Ana’s anti-nade or sleep dart, it’s most likely best to leave that topic alone as you won’t be hearing any reasonable logic behind them and they’ll flaunt their own personal bias about “skill that” or “broken this” which couldn’t be more irrelevant thing to say. The only way to win against that and not get stuck in a loop of “no u” “sez u” is to just ignore them. It’s not worth. They’re just mad because they’re bad and silent treatment is the only fix for it


Why? Because they are OP.

For a little bit of aim, Ana and Bap have absurd control over game outcome.

For a little bit of self preservation, Brig has absurd ammount of oppression to every flanker, and mercy makes one other hero completely OP.

The only heroes that match that level of power really is tracer and ash.

It’s because DPS hate the idea of anyone oppressing them in any way. It’s usually support that denies them a kill and so they’re always “blatantly overpowered”.

This is Dpswatch after all.


I mean, it’s been this way for years.

Healing AND dealing dps AND using their other utilities. Any comarations with dps is weird, cause support has no time nor space to focus on dps only. People just should finaly accept, that we are not healbots and even more - dmg IS Moira´s utility, so it´s ok, if she uses it more, than other supports…


Killing is not your task, simple as that.

And dying from support hurts DPS’s self-esteem really hard. It’s equivalent of being told “you suck at being DPS”.

People are afraid of supports, because supports often influence game indirectly, and participate in fights covertly. It’s easy to not notice in the heat of battle, that your opponent is being healed, leading to your failure.

Defensive ults are another “indirect” part of supports. Any self-respecting support will attempt to stay out of sight, if their defensive ult is ready and enemy team is likely to unleash their damaging ults, to activate it later on.

Healing and killing is. Every role should deliver some kills. I am surprised you didn´t know that. While healing is the primary task for support, killing when they can is also considered a supporting a team.

That´s what I said in my first post and that´s why so many players call support OP.

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Not at all, luckily. It’s one of reasons I never play Battlefield, for example.

But you forgot to mention other aspects, that people also do not like.

Welp, now you know. It´s ok, if you are still hesitant to kill as a support, but it´s part of the game.

I hate it, I do not play support to kill, and I feel like my DPS just suck and force me to do their job for them.

Let’s be honest, every support is broken in their own way.
That’s not a bad thing though.

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It´s ok…I hate, when people consider me a healbot.

Well, bad thing about it, is that they aren’t broken in DPS kind of ways.

Don’t care, let people believe, that they achieved everything by themselves. Having gold eliminations + gold damage as support is an embarassment to DPS.

Hahaha…nope. Never :coffee:

Whoa, I never go for gold damage/ elims as support. But when playing Moira, I often end up with gold elims (and healing). And I don´t feel embarassed at all.

Otherwise they would expect you to do everything and likely to stop trying.

They do. Ego of DPS players is fragile, don’t need to stomp on it like that.

This game is weird - people demand supports to do everything, but…why do we have DPS then? Supports are OP, if they kill someone, as it makes DPS feel their usefulness…or lack of one.

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The only sup i’m afraid of is that one who can kill almost an entire enemy team with just a cd anti heal ability

People are not the smartest when it comes to understanding that Tanks AREN’T really suppose to be nerfed in the ways they complain they want them nerfed. Tanks can’t tank if people keep asking for nerfs on a bias basis not thinking of the fact that Tanks aren’t DPS and shouldn’t be nerfed as often.

Again people treat Tanks and Healers the same as they would DPS, which if they were smart they wouldn’t do. Healers are suppose to heal and tanks are suppose to tank. However people forget this whenever they go on their little nerf this character bids.

That’s because that is exactly how it works, again a lot of people on this game are selfish, don’t really care about anyone’s experience but their own, and will call for a nerf any time they find a character is “too effective” against their main.

The nerf threads won’t go away, which is sad, but I wouldn’t let it ruin your mood or your love for what you play. And don’t worry there are still a few of us in this community who DO indeed care about the experience of more people than just ourselves. I am one of them and I am sure there are more.


Delusional players who play nothing else but DPS, and also complain about the DPS queue times while asking for nerfs in the 2 most boring and unpopular roles in the game.