Why are people complaining about Brigitte? Because they complained about 6 second hook, which got nerfed up to 8 seconds

holy false dichotomy batman. Maybe have option 3: Wait until season 10 before starting your witchhunt, see how she performs in an actual team comp and see how her pick rates adjust through the tiers, then nerf/buff accordingly.

its because she is overpowered with how long her stun can last and how crazy huge her hit box is there was people who was playing brigitte even agreeing she is overpwoered brigitte being released to early in my opinion is just like microsoft rushing to get vista out on comps both a mistake honestly brigitte should of remained on ptr to be worked on more before she got a regular release

The difficulty is QP is a bad test environment. It’s a gongshow. She could hit comp and just end up being played around/shut down. It’s possible.

The 5s CD on a stun that goes through shields with a 6m range has some implications. Rein is shafted hard by this mechanic. Shield bash, whip shot, now not only is the shield down, he’s launched back behind his team mates. That can be taken advantage of quite obviously.

How it all plays out though is anyone’s guess. She might be a pubstomper, she may be OP, she may be a lot of things. We just don’t know rn. We do know she makes Reins life harder though, and of all the tanks he was the one that really didn’t need his life to be harder.


Or maybe left in QP for an age which gives them far more test data…

Which they did.

Feels like it produced way more angst than it did data. I don’t think much changed after the first couple weeks of her being locked out of competitive, and they made no motion to change her so far.

These topics are already boring.
You can’t nerf her by putting her shield bash on a insane cool down, because this is the ability that counters mobility and mobility is dive.

What you can do is to turn her into that bodyguard that fends off oppressors.

Hook also has a 20 meter range but go ahead and compare it to Shield Bash that can be avoided with any hero who can damage past 5 meters lmfao

Maybe the data isn’t showing any balance breaking issues?

It DID create Angst. But so did every hero release. This is mild compared to Sombra.

Lucio - Boop
knock back
enemy retains control / air control
cannot boop through shields
4s CD
can 1 shot if people stand near cliffs
vulnerable, requires positioning, flanking, baiting enemy

Brigitte - Shield Bash
single target stun
enormous hitbox
1 sec stun
goes through shields
5s CD (can keep someone CC’d for 20% of match)
high chance of kill as result of successful stun
shielded from frontal damage before, during, and after stun
no thought, low risk
cancels channeled ults

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I can’t agree with your premise. Simply because her shield bash is effective at countering mobility does not mean it’s CD cannot be touched. That just doesn’t add up whatsoever. Do you think a high mobility hero will just stay there after the first stun and wait for the next? No. They will get out of there asap.

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They didn’t lock Sombra away for ages, and she never really did impact the game… ever. Maybe mildly when people realized she could be an excellent ult battery on some maps.

Letting a hero run rampant in quickplay for a while is totally valid, but this is was months of her out of competitive, and at some point you don’t learn anything more.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn’t Lucio have a ranged attack?

Does he have FAR more mobility?

Does he have far better healing? Can he give everyone around him mobility?

Compare her to Hog, they are the closest hero wise.

You can literally walk through the shields.

This concept is hilarious to me for some reason. This Brig isn’t killing you. She’s just stunning you. She’s even making sure you get enough heals to stay alive through the chip damage from bash, but damn if she’s not stunning you on the dot every 5 seconds.


Yeah, that is the argument they should have either delayed her before introducing her to QP. Or give up their new thing which is hero released only have at end of season.

I don’t have strong feelings either way.

but it has been a while - if they had anything showing up in the data, they would have changed her by now. So I expect she is going into comp as is.

Yeah that worked so well for the game when;

Mercy (Everyone said rez was BS, made it live… 3 months of poop)

Ana (everyone said nano was a problem, let it get to comp she got super nerfed)

Bastion (Twice now, first with shield and then with Ironclad. Both times people said what would happen.)

Hog (Cause a hook that pulls people through dimensions wasn’t obvious… He spent months unplayable.)

Doomfist (Just bloody look at him…cries in corner)

Sombra (We said it was too much and was, so she got a super nerf.)

Sym and Dva kinda…

Could argue Widow and McCree, when they were must picks and it was obvious they would be so dominant.

Did I miss anyone?

What reason do I have to believe it will go any different this time?

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Yes, so does she. And hers is boop with double dmg. And he has to aim his attacks. Brigitte has one ability that requires aiming.

Yes. He can zoom around walls. She can bash people’s faces in without even aiming.

Depends. He does more healing over the match. But she has a great instant burst heal, large AoE HoT that stays up regardless of LoS after application. She also can over heal in the form of armor.

Disagree. She is closest to Lucio. Peeling is an essential part of both their kits, but she does it infinitely better and has a much higher kill potential.

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Ironclad did get fixed in PTR though. That was them successfully fixing a problem before it hit comp.

They fixed a bunch of mercy 2.0 in PTR as well, she was MUCH more powerful when she first dropped there. (scary as all hell right?)

Sombra was never powerful.

Get outta here with that Mercy crap. Everyone agrees the rework was an abject failure and Blizzard was slow as hell to respond to it.

Ana is fine. She’s a victim of the meta, not her abilities.

Hog was always playable. People reacted too harshly to the nerfs.

Doomfist is playable now, just git gud.

Sombra got a mild nerf to her hack. She’s more plagued by bugs than lack of strength. She’s obscenely strong in the right hands.

D.Va is the most picked hero What?

I stopped going through the list because I have no idea what you’re talking about. So many of these heroes are perfectly fine and have always been with minor tweaks along the way to make sure they stayed relevant.

Not to mention, all of these heroes already existed. They were released and being played. Brigitte has never once been in competitive.

right, this is just to illustrate the uptime of her CC. Not to suggest anyone would be solo stunned for the entire game w/o dying. That’s ridiculous to assume considering that her stun ending in a kill a very high percentage of the time.

See here we have a major difference in view.

She tanks, she creates area like hog does.

With her shield she has roughly the same health as Hog does (with Vape) - with the shield they have roughly the same hit box (you are not going to miss either of them)

They both counter similar people, for similar reasons. They both are countered by similar people, for similar reasons.

They both act as bouncers - and if you are going to fight them, you have to treat them the same.

People who jump into fights with her who would NEVER do the same thing with hog, are getting all hurt and come to the forums to complain.

Her healing rate is roughly the same as Hogs in games. (Hog only heals himself though).

She is far more of a tank than she is a support.

Her rocketwhip is a hook variant, and likely uses a bunch of the same code.