Why are people climbing so fast?

No, since that would mean their mmr was diamond/masters so they would have been boosted to match that mmr. I know this to be the case since it happened to some of my accounts.


To sum it up, just because you think it should be recording their MMR as diamond / masters, when it isn’t sure they are meant to be there, and are testing them, it doesn’t make it so.

A working matchmaker CAN act this way.

Rusalka (my matchmaker) DOES act this way. It stores a probability curve for where it thinks the person is. It reports MMR as a simplification of that curve.

Again, matchmakers jobs are to place you quickly in the rank you are playing at.

You’re put into games based on your mmr and they matched your mmr to rank. They were in plat games at season end. Anyone playing above their rank was boosted to that rank. Even with uncertainty we’re not talking 500sr difference or something here. It’s 1500 sr difference. That’s not uncertainty. That’s completely wrong with an adjustment time of 5 wins for such a massive increase.

There’s no way to argue that 1500sr should be gained from winning 5 games. No matchmaker can function like that.

If a GM is playing on the account it would be correct IN that level of uncertainty. That isn’t it failing.

Take MS’s matchmaker.

TrueSkill is a Bayesian skill rating algorithm used worldwide, it also uses the uncertainty system.

TrueSkill II uses the same kind of curve maths that Rusalka uses.

The uncertainty was addressed with the end of season matching sr to mmr.

It is. A diamond could realistically win 5 gm games in a row if they were somewhat lucky. 5 games just isn’t enough to determine somebody needs to go from plat to gm. No matter the winstreak they had previously.

No it isn’t. The system knows it still has no idea what the MMR of this person is.

Good thing it knows more than that. It’s internal stats from last season are not lost to the wind.

If it had no idea there was no reason to give them a plat to gm update based on 5 wins. If it’s uncertain there should/would have been an increase to diamond or something.

I don’t know how many times I have to write this… but…

It’s job is to land the person at their correct MMR as quickly as it can. It can do this in a way which you can find mystifying or against what you believe in, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.

Matchmakers are not designed to handle smurfing. That is an enforcement problem.

You’re put into games based on your mmr, correct?

Yes, but if your MMR is a curve with a couple of lumps, it may not place you in games based on the simplified displayed SR.

There is no reason to believe MMR is a number in a single dimension or that the simplified display of it, matches the matches you are placed in.

Again, not the matchmakers problem.

This is what I’m getting at. They matched displayed sr to the hidden mmr at season end so whatever games they were being put into became their displayed rank. So if they were actually being put into diamond, masters or gm games that became their rank.

Which was plat.

What makes you think that is the case RIGHT AWAY?

Because if they stop climbing the dopamine will wear off and they will stop playing and buying skins.

They said so. Also happened to some of my accounts.

They didn’t say any such thing. I read what they said VERY carefully.

They said

  • MMR determines the games the matchmaker is putting you into.
  • There is a translation of the MMR which they use for SR.

MANY people took it as MMR is a single floating point number, and SR is that fitted to a bell curve. But they did not say that at all.

Say you had a system where the system keeps track of a probability curve of actual ranking.

And say, you for instance, matched them for games which gave you the highest certainty of ranking.

That would NORMALLY be their actual SR, but not always if there was a lump somewhere else in the curve.


Tell me how what they have said changes what I said.

The estimate is you are plat. The big lump of probability is in GM. So, it gives GM games, to give you the highest amount of increase in certainty improvement for the matchmaker.

If you keep winning that, then… that becomes dominant, and you RAPIDLY increase to that rank.

What they wrote doesn’t go against that method of matchmaking what so ever.

Bro this kids getting carried by their squads. I can easily reach top500 with mates, but if you solo rank, then you either need luck to get mates with b r a i n - or every single shot of your hanzo main is a headshot - even if you get hard countered and everyone is starting hard diving you.

Also I would like to know what people you mean that saying this. 70% of them must be boosted. There is no way to climb up fast in OVERWATCH TWO. The matchmaker is still broken af - facts, facts, facts

Sounds like a skill issue tbh us solo que warriors hate going higher then a duo.
If you win yes you will climb that’s really all there is to it.

This is tangential but I’m going to vent.

I was demoted drastically after experiencing a game bug that would queue me up for a ranked game and then have trouble joining once a match was found. It happened on three separate occasions. I’d sit on that screen for about 10 minutes each and then would give up and relog just to come back to a screen that said I received a penalty for leaving. I took a screen shot of the hanging screen and reported it to customer support and they simply stated it was a known bug that many players have encountered and you know what they said via email?

  • Always go to the practice range before every game to ensure it works
    • (I’d like to note that this bug was inconsistent so I have no idea how that would help me at all)
  • Update your client
    • (Client is literally set to auto-update)
  • We can’t fix your SR - apologize for the losses

Then I proceeded to get hit with it a fourth time and wasn’t allowed to play for 8 hours. Went from Gold 1 to silver 3 immediately.

This game is so much fun. :melting_face: