Why are DPS ranking up so easily but support ranking down

Myself and all my friends have ranked our DPS up significantly in S3. However Im a support main and our support ranks are falling. I thout I’d be gold by mid season but since all the DPS have ranked up, silver is now riddled with garbage DPS players holding teams back. The amount of games that are won or lost due strictly to an obvious DPS diff is disgusting. Why have they made it suddenly so easy to rank in DPS but not support?

I have the opposite experience. I think the healers are all absolute garbage and the dps are good. You might just be bad at healer like I’m bad at dps.


the system is clearly busted

no one knows what the heck is going on, not even the devs

they are trying to figure it out from all the data

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Not quite lol, I play and keep up perfectly on plat teams and was ranking gold near the end of season 2 but now I’m playing better than ever and getting deranked all the way to silver 4. While I’m a garbage DPS that usually ranks bronze 1-4 prior to s3 but I’m now getting silver and may even hit gold, and I know for a fact my DPS does not deserve gold but with certainty that my support does.

There’s good evidence this is a real phenomenon, and not just you.

I took the question pretty seriously, enough so that I’ve thought and written about it at some length on here already.

The tl;dr is:

  1. Due to the mix of players, the odds favor Support players being matched with worse Damage players more often than vice versa.
  2. Poor Damage players severely drag down expected match outcome.

The best thing that you can do is still to focus on improving your own mechanics and mindset. That said, it does help a lot to know that the system is leaning pretty hard against you, as it can be deeply discouraging to sweat through game after game and walk away with nothing but a string of losses and a lower rating.

You don’t have to take my advice, but for what it’s worth: Forget the rating, it’s meaningless. Watch your own performance, work on improving that, and if you play Comp, do it for the challenge, not for the number. If you can learn to trust your sense of how you played, you can take pride in your own work whether you win or lose.


then you’re improving at dps (or you initially just didn’t play enough) and not at all improving on support lol

Maybe don’t respond if you didn’t actually read the post.

You’re blaming dps diff for your lack of improvement on support. It’s a post full of cope.

You’re probably just not that great at Support, which is an issue with a lot of people who play Support and think they’re “doing a good job”.

If you read the post you would see that I am not blaming DPS diff I’m displaying that in season three with the updated ranking system that there is a problem. I am a high silver/ low gold support and so are the majority of my friends. We are a spread of ranks in DPS topping out in diamond. Now the problem if you read this part…is that in season 1&2 yeah matchmaking sucked but at least we played against people our skill level. But now people our skill level (including ourselves and you and everyone else) is for the most part ranking up, while supports are not. This is causing the DPS from lower ranks to be put in higher rank games causing a DPS diff. I’m not claiming I’m a master I’m claiming that there’s a problem with the current matchmaker and rank system. In season 2 I had no problem hitting gold.

surely there’s no implication

I mean the last part is just not true. In fact as a GM I find the opposite is true the amount of diamond supports that are suddenly masters/GM is quite high. It’s why support queues in GM are 7 minutes long and dps queue times are 1-2 minutes.

Of course taking my comment out of context makes it look bad and maybe I used some bad wording but if you still don’t understand what it is I’m saying then the issue is clearly your reading skill not my accusation of playing with out of place dps players.

Alright and comparing GM to silver and gold is relevant how? The amount of people that will admit it’s a totally different world completely nullifies your argument. In silver it’s 30 seconds for support and 2-5 minutes for DPS.