Why are alt accounts allowed again?

Thats what MMR is for.
If you propose a problem without any solution’s why comment at all.
There is no better system for detecting where a player belongs on ladder,
Or we would be using it.
We have role Q coming soon to help stem alts. But thats not gonna change a ton.
Im a diamond main tank but barely plat on most off tanks. That means ill need multiple accounts or ill be deranking when ever i flex.
At the end of the day nothing you say even matters unless you are masters or above.
If you dont have the skill to reach the top 20% on any of the super simple heroes ow has to offer, you likely dont try hard enough to even cry. Stop it please. This isnt a problem.

Made an alt account , only to place at the very same rank as my main, so i have no clue what you are talking about.
Maybe those alt accounts are playing a role they don’t main. Maybe they don’t want matchmaker to scr*w them so they made an alt on which to main a role.
This is all before 222 era.

Also mine or any other alt account won’t stop you from climbing to where you belong so why do you even care?

If you think it’s your teammates job to help you climb…
What can I tell you…?

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Correct, clearly overwatch is a death-match game ffa and thus it IS YOUR fault if you lose, absolutely correct. Just git gud and you do greatly. Here is a list of tips
git gud
git gud

and git gud

No it’s not. You can lose a game here and there and there’ll be nothing you can do about it.
But not being able to climb due to teammates?
Why the f do we have sr then even, why not team based sr?

No it’s not.

it’s not always your fault if you lose, but if youre stuck in an elo, it’s def your fault. With or without alt accounts.

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Why the hell would you Necro a year old thread, when there are a dozen current ones on the same topic?

holy necro batmam. why?


Because they’re too trash to play in their own rankings, anyone who uses the excuse of ‘practice’ just wants to win games against less skilled players, I used to be high plat and now I’m bronze cause of a wave of smurfs for a week, smurfs just ruin the game. I mean my last four games I played less than 10 minutes ago were all smurfs. Comp isn’t worth it, never will be. Just always going to be plagued with people who get enjoyment over ruining people’s days. Need to add actual matchmaking cause this is -NOWHERE- near it, that or have people spectate games and actually have something be done about smurfs. Nobody likes them.

Yep it’s terrible on ps4…

I know people who make 25+ accounts till the point they get the sr they want

Go to level 25…doin their placements
Not satisfied
Making new acc in less then 5 min and start the process again

Jep real fun…

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Yes. I’m sure you performed like a plat every game, and 100% of the smurfs were on the other team, and 100% of the time they were ranking UP and not down (which smurfs have to do most of their games).

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Want some change? Stop giving Blizzard money. WHY are people STILL buying alt accounts??? It’s a mental illness at this point. Use this logic on literally anything else. What other games are you buying multiple copies of? It’s absolutely ridiculous. Stop buying loot boxes, stop buying alt accounts, stop buying moronic Made in China Dva plushies lol…

That’s literally the only way you’re going to have any power against this company. Stop giving them money. They don’t care about you or your concerns. Jeff certainly doesn’t care lol. Take some financial responsibility.

Why would I buy same copy of GTA for example? I can start new game as I like. Can I reset my rank in OW to start as new? No I cant. So your logic doesnt really make sense in comparison.

I dont think you should be telling others what to do with they money buddy.

Resetting your rank, so you could potentially show up as a Gold or below, and curbstomp people on your way back to whatever rank you’re sad in = The biggest problem in this game, that is completely detrimental. Your logic = I get to buy a game a 2nd time, because I’m sad in X rank. Your logic isn’t logic, it’s based on feelings, which can’t be logic, since you can’t hang in your own rank.

If I have to deal with lvl 25s curb stomping me and my team because they did what I described above, I become affected by it, which gives me authority to have an opinion on it.

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Of course I can, thats usualy not a reason for creating smurfs. You obviously dont know why people smurf. I explained you that your logic was wrong as you cannot compare different games. Look at similar games with ranks as Overwatch is, people do buy alt accounts there too.

Not this guy! This guy is fiscally responsible! :wink:

I doubt the OP is still around. 2 year old thread. 10 month necro.

Either way, there’s more current threads on this topic. Nothing’s changed.

Still relevant today. And now I’m curious to see how many more posts we can add to it.

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This has destroyed competitive play in Overwatch. Thanks for nothing Blizzard, F your OW2, battlefield has more integrity than this. You can literally tell when the game is on sale by all the inordinately unbalanced matches all of a sudden.

The funniest bit is if you manage to turn the tide on these idiots they leave, all together - lol

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Hmmm, what was I doing in 2018 when this was posted…definitely not playing Overwatch.

I think it would interest the author to know that all ranked competitive Overwatch matches are handicapped with Match Making Rating. This is the primary driver of Smurfing behaviour (buying alt accounts), which Blizzard tacitly encourages for revenue generation.

More information:

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Let me my thousand hour mercy otp self play mcree in diamond and I bet my team would beg to differ…yes I know rein is about to shatter, yes I know u have grav, yes I see you phara, yes I know the mercy wants to rez, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna roll or do well in the dps spot of anything…im pretty sure I’m like a bronze to silver dps. And if I play anything other than mercy in the support role im probably like low to mid gold.