I assume every wave they do will be a different color?
This idea of remix skins aka re Color’s , just made sure that we ain’t getting a color wheel for ow2
Reyes never wore a blue uniform like that though - he had his Soldier: 24 look during the crisis and his Blackwatch Reyes look after.
That would be like putting Soldier in Blackwatch colours.
i would be angry if they wasted more than 10min on those skins.
we want ow2 not some launch skins.
its awesome we get them and really awesome bc it took them 0 work which is perfect.
Imagine waiting 3 yrs for a game and wait longer bc some random skins had to be made
its pretty much the best they can do without wasting time
I don’t see color, just the nice skins. Why are you making this about color?
Because all the skins are is recolored older versions?
There’s nothing else to talk about with these skins.
Probably cause it’s a specific group of skins. Notice how all uprising skins have very similar color schemes? Yea it’s something like that
“Omg Karen, you can’t just ask people why they’re white”
Who is the guy with the lady holding the flag in the overwatch cinematic trailer?
I thought this was him or is it just a random dude.
I think the remixed skins are okay but they would’ve been a lot more okay if they weren’t all white palette swaps. Being unique with each recolor and expanding on the skin’s original vibes would have been cooler.
They just give me pseudo owl team skin vibes.
So no more gold and red skins.
Or gold and black.
Or black and red.
OWL is really ruining everything.
So did I, but then I realize it’s no doubt because OWL teams have all the fun color combos. Doesn’t matter, these are legendary skins and not the default ones, you probably can’t have yellow/red combo on them cause you’d mistake it for OWL skin. Maybe the next volumes of this event are gonna have a different color, but it’s just one color.
And that’s not to mention when I heard “remix” I thought actually mixing skins, like Junkestein head with winter body and liker summer games tire. But nope, they just literally dunked their action figures in a can of paint.
Yeah I thought it was a great idea but I’m not impressed with this first batch. Just looks meh.
A good idea for the remix skins is to add a omnic crisis version of Orisa’s null sector skin, just like Bastion has both a null sector and a omnic crisis skin. They are essentially the same skins, but with different colors.
I have to agree, not getting this one in an Archives event is downright sad… I really like that look on him.
Thank you, I was looking for this . Very grool.
Because white is the color of clouds.
He just looks like an OWL contenders skin to me.
They look like the “Away” versions of OWL skins, but for existing legendary skins