Why am I not allow to play the game with Brigitte around

This is what you consider an argument? Shouting like a toddler that it’s no fun?


Try not playing Genji from time to time.


Yes but 90% of the “Brig ruined the game!!!1” posts are from Genji mains and your username has the word ninja in it, what was I supposed to think? :slight_smile:

So, have you tried switching to Junkrat or Pharah who curb-stomp Brig?


Maybe cause, oh idk the objective I have to capture. Oh but my fault guess I shouldn’t go to the objective ever just stay away from it -_-


You win the thread. :ok_hand:


Will people just try Doomfist already?

She doesn’t have the tools to beat a Doomfist who knows what he’s doing. I do it all the time and my Doomfist hours are less than 30. Never played him in comp either.

Hang her on the wall. No wall? Then shoot her while SHE is stunned, slam her, shoot, uppercut, shoot. But she’ll be dead before the last shot anyways.

Fair point about the name but I’m not sure how to change it tbh and I don’t need to be reminded who counters her I’m quite aware, it still doesn’t change the fact it’s completely frustrating going against her cause she can stun me every five seconds and do a guarantee 155 to whoever she stuns nearly killing someone and it’s in every way better than something like flashbang and on half the cooldown too

Hey, it’s this thread again…

Only the 700th time it’s appeared since Brigitte came out.


That’s nice, but did I ask though?

How does this work exactly. Off the top of my head, only Junkrat and Pharah actually counter her and that isn’t hard to deal with considering she doesn’t take up a Dps slot. Meaning she can have a hitscan or flanker to deal with one of them.
I guess Soldier works too.

I keep seeing post saying things like, “Just keep your distance,” or “use a long range hero,” but I don’t see how either of these are very effective at actually countering her. Long range heroes like Widow and Hanzo can’t shoot through her shield, and her long range whip shot can knock them off of high ground if she knows what she’s doing. It isn’t like it takes 2 seconds to break her barrier either. If all you are doing is shooting her barrier for 6 or 7 seconds, you are wasting time and shots that’d be more valuable if shot at other heroes.
Oh, not only that, but her armor basically counters Hanzo. If she recently gave an armor pack to any 200hp hero, then rip you, no more 1 shot head shots. That includes the Genji/Tracer that’ll be on you at all times.

Seriously, let’s say Reaper was OP, he does 100 guaranteed damage per shot If at least 5 pellets hit. The argument would be the same right? Just keep your distance, use long range heroes, focus him. Except, these statements would actually mean something, because it’d actually work. Widow and Hanzo could easily pick him off from distance, heroes that also excelled in close range would also still be a viable selection. Hell, even Roadhog and Winston would still have options. Countering Reaper would be much more enjoyable, because you’d have plenty of options and if it came down to it, you could simply beat him by being better than him as a player. This isn’t the case for Briggite.

Stupid point, but it still stands. An OP Reaper would be less oppressive than Briggite. Briggite isn’t defenseless against range. Even if she is a close range hero, you have to get on the point sometime. Even with your team, getting stunned and taking 155 damage is a death sentence.

Briggite is a VERY poorly designed hero. She doesn’t counter you by being effective at her role, she counters you by EXISTING. Counters should take less effort than non-counters, but not none! Characters should have a chance vs their counters. Just like Genji vs Widow or Reaper vs Hog or McCree vs Pharah. It shouldn’t mean that they are borderline unplayable!

Inb4: someone mentions a Z tier hero and how they must feel because their hero is trash and countered by 89.01% of the roster.

I’m sick of things like “just switch,” no **** Sherlock, the issue isn’t so much as I have to switch as it is I have a very limited hero pool to switch to to counter this very popular hero. It was so fun when Soldier, McCree, and Widow were the only viable DPS picks when Pharah-Mercy was super popular right?

My point isn’t that Briggite is OP. My point is that she is the definition of poor design. I doubt anybody wants to have a Soldier, Junkrat, or Pharah every game just INCASE they have a Briggite.

Ay, 10$ says I’ll get at least a response that doesnt actually counter (lol) the points I made, but how I’m a DPS main and that invalidates my points.


Winston vs Bastion? Symmetra vs Winston?

The stun was specifically designed to counter Tracer, the stun is long enough that she can get the 155 damage combo before you can recall. It’s not possible, unless Brigitte messes up with the follow up or you have INHUMAN REACTIONS (even then I don’t think it’s possible).

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It’s almost as if people seem to have an issue with her, and are voicing their opinions on a discussion forum.

That would be insane right?


She is not as bad, when you get used to playing against her.

I’ve been playing Reaper lately, and he does surprisingly well vs. her, considering you share the same effective range. If she combos you, she has 2 options, continue attacking Reaper, which is very dangerous, as 2 headshots kill her, and he can get 2 before you put your shield back up, or she turtles, which lets a patient Reaper kill her shield before she can stun again.

Um which stun do you mean exactly?

Do you mean Uppercut? But she can just shield your shots as she doesn’t lose complete control of her abilities.

Do you mean Seismic Slam? But then you have to hit her as a surprise attack because it doesn’t go through shields. Not to mention the very loud grunt you so when you perform the move, so she can whip around and bash you before you hit the ground.

Do you mean Rocket Punch? Because she can interrupt that too, and you have to go for the long distance punch, and in that case he’s as much of a counter to Brigitte as McCree was to Tracer, and by that I mean barely.

This is also not even considering in a team fight. They bring along a Roadhog and now what do you do? Diving in against that brigitte is suicide.


Moira main here, Brigitte is ridiculous.


It’s not just that. Last night I was playing Far Cry 5 and next thing I know Overwatch opens up and I get thrown into a match where she stuns me. Absolutely ridiculous.


Winston vs Bastion is 1. rare and 2. not impossible either. Simply because Bastion is pretty bad. If played right (aka in dive) Bastion should never be a problem. Plus Bastion doesn’t have cc, so if Winston needed to, he could play corners aswell. For a Winston to counter Bastion, it’s as simple as him saying “ok Genji, Tracer, and Zenyatta, I need you to focus Bastion. Keep him distracted and I’ll jump on the healers behind him.”

Sym vs Winston also is still possible. Sym can defend herself against Winston. His damage is low too, so his ability to destroy teleporter/Shield gen is weak.

Bastion and Sym are both low tier heroes that are in need of changes. Their counters/countees are so strong/weak because they balance wise, are so janky. They fill a very specific niche, and sometimes do it well.

Anyways I said it in my original post. I’m on phone so I don’t know how to quote, but I said:
Inb4: Someone mentions a Z tier hero and how they must feel because their hero is trash and is countered by 89.01% of the roster.

While I’m sure Briggite will be countered by some simple teamwork as well, you’ll need to have specific heroes in order to do so. If your objective is to make her swap, then your out of luck. No hero counters her so hard she has to swap, but apparently she can do this and everything is fine? Something isn’t right there.

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Tracer/Geni vs Brigitte isn’t impossible either, so…

For a Winston to counter Bastion, it’s as simple as him saying “ok Genji, Tracer, and Zenyatta, I need you to focus Bastion. Keep him distracted and I’ll jump on the healers behind him.”

And what is stopping the Genji from telling his Pharah/Junkrat teammate “Kill Brig before I jump in?” If we base it on this criterion no hero has a counter because his or her teammates can always in theory counter the counter.

No hero counters her so hard she has to swap, but apparently she can do this and everything is fine?

This has been true for Tracer (and to a large extent for Genji) for years but when it’s Brigitte it’s suddenly a huge problem?


have you considered maybe standing further away from brigitte and shooting her?