Why am i getting 19 sr for a win

I’m a Genji main and I am in silver/gold on console I was diamond on Genji so I know what to do but I am trying to climb but I keep getting 19 sr for a win this is the same for all my games even in matches where I get 2 six mans on Genji, so why am i not getting any sr

You get less SR if the enemy team has leavers or if u don’t have gold medals I guess?

well im not ranking up genji does not get medals in this meta

Gold medals does nothing for my games. I can get Gold : Heals, Kills, Objective kills, no deaths, and POG and that equals… 2-5 sr in silver. A loss will net me -30-50 now. It would take 1000’s of games to go up 1 rank as it has been since season 1 when blizzard broke my account.

Well, guess you gotta play a hero who gets medals or play Genji and rank up slower. I used to 1 trick him but had to learn new heroes since he doesn’t really work that well anymore.

Thinking…i dont even remember when i saw 6 kill from genji in my elo and i am higher. People in your elo even wont group up so you cant do 6 kill. I can hardly believe this.

Default SR gain is 24. If you consistently gain less / lose more than this, you are performing poorly, in a statistical sense. See How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 18) → Performance Modifier for more details.


What Kaawumba said.

The matchmaker thinks you aren’t doing well enough for the rank you are currently in, so it wants to stop you from climbing further up.

You have to start performing better than you currently are to climb effectively.

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From what I understand, the amount of SR you gain is dependant on how well you do compared to other players in the same elo playing the same heroes. While you may be winning games, your genji play compared to other genjis in your elo is still on the lower end of the average. The game probably wants to stall you from climbing with that hero if it thinks there are better genjis who should be higher than you.

I kind of doubt people are routinely getting 2-5 SR per win… That means you played garbage for your ran, if it’s even possible to get that low for a win. If that were true and consistent then you should plummet in rank for your losses.

Mine are pretty consistently a 15-30 SR change depending on how well I played. Sometimes it feels weird why the system thought I was good/bad in a game but a lot of the times I know if I played well or garbage in a game and the SR change does seem to reflect it.

Your profile says you average 3 kills per life. Maybe you get a 5-6 piece every now and then, but clearly you’re getting a lot of 0-1 kills per life to balance that out. So your elims arent anything exceptional. You need to consistently get at least I’d wager something closer to a 8-10 kills per life is what itd take to get above 24 SR per win. And then theres elims per 10 minutes. That stat needs to be fairly high as well