Why am I diamond being matched with silver teammates?

Why am I being matched with players who are at level 1 endorsement, still in their placement matches, or in silver/gold league when I am in Diamond league?

What is the incentive for me to try my best when I work hard, get on a winstreak of 4-6 games, and like clockwork, I immediately begin to be put in lobbies on teams with players who absolutely do not know how to play the game. I am not exaggerating when I say that I will work hard, go on a win streak, and after 4-6 wins I will be put into unwinnable matches until I lose 4-6 in a row.

I understand the matchmaking is putting me with players that are marginally worse to balance things out, maybe there are not as many Diamond players to queue against, but this is totally artificial and as a support player I do not have the impact that the algorithm clearly thinks that I should have.

I am regularly healing 15k+ with 5k+ damage, my DPS players will be 60% (at most) of the other teams DPS players, and I will get a tank with an endorsement level of 1 who grossly overextends, dies, and then the other team jumps on us. It’s impossible for me to heal or make up for my team’s lack of understanding of the game, and I become a pawn for this totally unnatural matchmaking algorithm.

Can I please just get an option to only queue with players of similar endorsement level and league placement?


Happens to me all the time - Diamond 3 support getting golds and silvers who are solo queued so its not even a diamond bringing them into the game. That to me makes no sense.

The DPS then goes on to get their dps doubled by the enemy team. I really dont get it and would love Blizzard to acknowledge it.


It’s blatantly obvious that Blizzard thinks artificially pushing players closer to a 50% win rate is the same as providing balanced matches. What they are doing, and have been doing since OW1 (the reason I quit playing that game) is the exact opposite of providing fair matches.

In a competitive matchmaking queue, the amount of time players wait (which I know for a fact is one of the main considerations made by the algorithm) should NOT be a consideration whatsoever. The point of competitive matchmaking is providing COMPETITIVE games, not fast games.

I agree with you that Blizzard needs to acknowledge their failures, and make changes to the competitive matchmaking algorithm so that it focuses solely on giving the most even matches (based on all available data) instead of factoring for quicker queues. This requires the following limitations:

  • Players should only be matched with other players in the same league. What is the point of leagues if this is not the case?

  • Players should have the option to queue into matches with only solo players. There is no reason solo players should not have the option to avoid playing with groups either on their team, the other team, or both teams.

I will gladly wait longer to have a real game, and I know other competitive players would too! Please Blizzard, clean up your stinky disgusting mess!


maybe they had the bronze 5 bug and aren’t really silver


I noticed one of my DPS had terrible stats, 3 elims to 12 deaths, I noticed him feeding and thought wtf is going on with this guy. Looked at his profile he was Platinum… Everyone else in the lobby was high Masters… The poor guy typed “I don’t understand why I am in this game”

Blizzard you really need to reduce the SR difference of teammates to 4 tiers (400SR).


Maybe the bronze 5 bug makes them play like Silver players too… What is it with people like you that feel the need to reply when they have nothing remotely useful to add to the conversation?


They shouldn’t be using a hidden match rating and only your rank. matches should be made by rank and rank only. Stop creating these garbage games because they keep you in Bronze 5 but match you with Silver 2. If you belong in your rank play with your rank.


Yup, same, and support too

Soon as i climb up, the game throws me in the most unwinnable match ups for a few games, before it comes back to normal

So whenever i rank up, i know the next few matches i’ll have a team of seaweeds who didn’t know they should bind LMB or something

This is absolutely done on purpose because they need support players to fill the queues, any queues, no matter the quality, otherwise the games wouldn’t start, we’re basically canon fodder


I’m guessing that they are just averaging lobby MMR. Same way it works in places like faceit csgo.
Not really a fan of it but it certainly helps queue time.

They should have some tolerances on it or make them stricter if they already exist

They should have an option where players can choose if they want a faster queue with a wider spread, or a queue that focuses on matching players of equal league, games played, endorsement level, with no regards for time.

I find unfair matches like what we are forced to deal with now, unfun and not worth my time, whether I win or lose; they are unequal and not worth expending effort in. Blizzard needs to fix their queueing system to at least allow an escape valve for players to choose to opt in to longer, but more accurate competitive matchmaking queues.

Blizzard needs to also acknowledge that they understand they need different algorithms for ranked and unranked play. They can’t just add an SR check to the quick play algorithm and call it done; that is cheap, tacky, repulsive, and abusive of customers. They make more than enough money to be able to put the attention needed to ensure matchmaking queues are respectful of those queueing into them.


sorry what? i don’t understand your problem.

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I’m totally fine with you not being able to understand.


Same here. You can immediately tell if the game is a win or loss. It’s pretty boring to be honest.

I play support and had a match today where I outhealed my other support and both the enemy supports combined with zero deaths and still lost. The rest of my team were new players who had no clue what they were doing and stood absolutely no chance against the obviously more skilled and experienced enemies.

Next match roles reversed and I’m stood outside enemy spawn topping up team mates while they mow down our “opponents” as they stumble out the spawn doors one by one.


Because they are smurfing at 90% winrate probably.

Yes, before I realized that the matchmaker was putting people like 3 ranks apart in the same game, I could just FEEL that some games were like that… after going on a multi game win streak, you get put in streaks of literal unwinnable games the likes of which I NEVER had in OW1.


Maybe you dont belong in diamond

I found that too, this game now punishing healers, only rewarding is extra battle pass100XP.


The matchmaking is broken. You have the options:

  • Get a full group for comp
  • Accept the broken matchmaking
  • Quick Play
  • Uninstall

Watching Dr. Disrespect and TimtheTatman 2 Professional FPS players Playing comp in Bronze 4 and Spawn Camping these new players.

This is disgusting and in no way a “Competitive” environment.


then why do you feel the need to reply when you have nothing remotely useful to add to the conversation??

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