Who has the highest peak for each hero on the forums

Oh yeah

Then again it was a mix of ana brig lucio but brig had highest WR

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bakkusodo btw what rank u get to one tricking doom?

That was ages ago

But I was barely GM

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also 3.3k one tricking reaper (thats kinda low but literally no one plays reaper so lol)

I peaked with Brig 4k, ana 3.8, with Moira 3.5

Idk if my 3.7 Mercy counts because I played 20h ana and only 10h Mercy that season


welcome back!!!

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moira 4.5

i dont have pics of my peak (old acc is unavailable for reasons i cant say coz TOS) but i have a random pic of near 4.1k https://twitter.com/h3ntai_kitt3n/status/1447757416766992385/photo/1

ooo so you did get gm i remember u were 3800 months ago when did u get it?

Didnt got GM, I rounded the 4k, I was 3984. RN I am on my way back with 3886 or so, but I never reached GM

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Why I see no Torb players? :angry:

I one tricked Torb to little above 4000, long ago it was.
Hanzo 4200
Sigma little higher (played 5 matches lol)

I mean I’m currently 4001 Sr playing Dva only. Would play more given I have a 72% win rate but don’t have the time haha.

I played placements for those seasons and that was it. She was so bad. Crazy what some number changes can do

I peaked back in Dive at 3955 playing Lucio, Zen, Zarya and Winston. I’m not as good as I use to be any more though.

how much time did u have on zen when u peaked? because i swear there is no such thing as a zen main on fourms

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Thats surprisingly low. I used to play a ton of Mercy and got up to like 3.3k like 3 years ago.

I think I only had about 10 hours playtime by then. He was my least played out of the 4 I mentioned

bUt u R sTuCk bEcAuSe U r iN tHe rAnK tHaT sHoUlD bE :smirk:

tbf it is the same rank though

5000 on every hero :pensive:

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I’m 3,8k mercy main :call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2: