Who exactly is Symmetra supposed to counter mr and mrs devs?

Cause BEFORE this ptr i would of said she can counter a meched Dva large target, D.va has spread damage so Syms hitbox avoids a good amount of it.

And now you nerf her damage against armor?

So pls devs do enlighten us in this game that is based around counters who exactly does Symmetra counter?


In paper:

Flankers - Turrets
Ult - Sniper

In real:



Well, primarily, shield/barrier heroes.

But she’s middle of the pack at best at that, and all it does is feed Zarya charge.

Honestly? she’s pretty good against Bap, you can charge your beam off of the drone and your turrets also target it immediately

Not saying she’s a hard counter but she’s very very good against him, also, there’s no need for heroes to be a counter of another

… its literally what this entire game is built upon


That’s the root of your frustration and it has nothing to do with how this game plays

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no darling the root of my frustration is Symmetras identity was dragged through the mud people that loved her were forced to give her up and for what?

a minute and a half in OWL playtime, Still has the core issues 2.0 had but worse.


I agree with Magy. It seems like she’s actually being pulled in several directions at once–her primary makes me think tank counter, but her turrets say flanker counter, and her ult says sniper counter.

It’s just another example of how Symmetra’s identity and niche are poorly defined (and were before the rework, too, which the rework failed to solve), leading her to become a “do everything but none of it well” pick. Kinda hard to be a meaningful contributor to your team in that scenario.

I don’t think so, I find her incredibly fun and effective, different yes but that’s something you have to work out, leave nostalgia behind and adapt to the changes because she is pretty fun when you actually try

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Characters that have fewer options in approaching choke points, her turrets are the focus of her character.

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I miss 2.0 Sym so much. She’s so clunky rn


I was really happy with Sym before all these massive changes and now i’m more annoyed than ever.

Yes, Sym has more sustain than Torb with her 100 regenerative shield but that needs two seconds of being out of harm to actually restore.

On top of this we now have this nerf to her damage. So misguided.

I don’t know what this will be per tick but her damage will go from 60/120/180 to 48/96/144 :face_with_monocle:

This is not going to help against GOATS.

If she doesn’t get a victory pose or highlight intro this Archives featuring her golden gun I am done with this stupid game because the Devs literally don’t give af about making her viable.


I am not a Dev, but I have some evidence that may help you understand; I’m hoping you’ll be civil and accept this as an argument. It’s a lot, but bear with me.

There’s a few Heroes who don’t Hard Counter anyone, and are just simply fun to play with the added bonus of several unique utilities and advantages when played skillfully.

For Example, over half the roster counters Hammond by reducing or negating his momentum with stuns, slows, traps, knockbacks, knock-ups, momentum inducing melee (Reinhardt hammer); nothing in Hammond’s kit completely turns off or deletes an enemy hero, and more than 60% of the time he’s at a disadvantage, but he’s still incredibly strong, unique, and fun to play despite that adversity. Symmetra is in a similar situation except she’s not hard countered by as many, but she holds invaluable team utility that’s even recognized by OWL once in a blue moon. I’ve always worshiped a good, creative Symmetra on my team! :smiley:

Symmetra is one of those high skill, high reward trappers & tricksters who “counters” anyone who falls into her web of turrets and ignores her presence. I say “counter” because it’s not really a hard counter and you are correct in thinking she doesn’t have any because she doesn’t. She holds the unique utility of being able to re-position her team in moments of danger or for flanking and creative uses; with the added bonus of having a game changing Ult, and being an incredibly powerful assassin if you manage to be mischievous.

You have turrets to deter flankers and remove mobility, AOE right clicks for stacked enemies, incredibly strong stacking beam damage to reward aim skill, and an Ultimate that can completely shelter your team from one front of damage and allow them to weave in and out of it for an advantage in team fights. Ignoring a skilled Symmetra during a team fight leads to instant regret a majority of the time :sob:. Her Ultimate is one of the most powerful defensive tide turning abilities in the game when capitalized on. If you’ve ever caught a swinging Hammond, or a wall riding Lucio in your turret you understand the utter despair she brings to mobile heroes lol. Subterfuge, misdirection, and illusion are your unique weapons on Symmetra.:crystal_ball:

The devs & players do sometimes describe this game as “based on rock/paper/scissors” style gameplay. However, the Devs never say “This game is rock paper scissors”. They explicitly avoid “rock/paper/scissors” gameplay for hero design in this interview from Gamespot back in 2016 titled “The Story of Overwatch” (it won’t let me post a link for some reason lol). Jeff States in that interview:

“We do not design our characters to be this perfectly balanced, 1v1, rock-paper-scissors, “every hero can beat every other hero in a 1v1 situation”–they’re absolutely not balanced and tuned that way.”

He is referring to them designing Team Deathmatch, but the statement holds ground on it’s own; they are absolutely not balanced that way.

If you’re still holding true to that rock/paper/scissors mantra, I’m afraid you’ve dug yourself into a hole, that’s not what the heroes are about-- the devs themselves have said that on several occasions. Yes, some heroes do have an easier time defeating others, but not all of them do, nor do they have to. A skilled player can defeat all their counters; improvement, and cohesion against the odds is what this game is about. Moral of the story is, don’t give up hope on Symmetra, she’s incredible and you should play her if you have fun being creative with her kit! Bommer#11853, if you want a teammate who won’t berate you for playing Sym! :smiley: .

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That’s 2.0. 3.0 is a more straight-on DPS that doesn’t really work.

Except they don’t do a very good job of it, since there’s fewer now, which decreases your area of control. They focus more attention on themselves too. In general play, turrets don’t stay active long enough to make a difference, unless the enemy team allows it.

The AoE is too small, and the DPS is pretty low.

The beam damage is severely subpar, at 195 DPS, whereas DPS heroes with similar range restrictions get well over 200 DPS. On top of that, she has a wind-up, and no headshots, meaning that in terms of maximum damage potential, she’s even further behind other heroes.

Ignoring a skilled DPS during a teamfight leads to instant regret in all cases, except Symmetra, where it is only a ‘majority of the time’.

This would fly on 2.0, who gets a tangible advantage when she gets the drop on an unaware target. 3.0’s TTK is so unbelievably long that that advantage is completely gone.


She is garbage rn and they buffed everyone but her. Luckily, there are a lot of posts mad about it

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looks at brig

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She reks tanks (and everyone else) at gold and below.

Any higher and she gets rolled over by the tanks or shot by any of the mid to long ranged dps.

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