White box on left of screen when LMB

Whenever I click left mouse in-game, a white square appears on the left side of the screen, and then disappears. It does not reappear if I hold LMB, but if I click it rapidly, it persists on screen. This only happens in-game, and not in menus, cinematics, or if the text chat is open.

This appeared today, 4/6 with the new event. I was playing yesterday and didn’t see it at all. I’ve tried rebooting and manually shutting down any overlay programs, like Steam, Nvidia Experience, and Logitech GHub, but no change. I have a screenshot, but the board isn’t letting me post it.

Thanks for any help!


This thread may help:


Im having the same issue here, I thought it might because of my pc but if it is happening to other people its not, With that, My game also goes black every once in a while. I don’t know why but If I change to windowed and back it fixes it. Its not a permanent so

Same issue here. The square box flashing when I press left mouse button. Since last patch.

No overlay (nerver used one, and never will be)
Driver updated.
No background sofware runing (as far as i know)

And the thread linked doesn’t give me any solution.

Edit for clarification: The game itself does not have a feature that is a white box, but as seen below, this is an option that comes from nVidia GPU drivers, called Reflex.

GPU drivers come with overlays.
Peripherals like gaming keyboard/mouse come with overlays.

Any update to drivers/Windows/the game itself could trigger these to enable.

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After few tests :
it’s an overwatch video option that trigers it… the “flash indicator option”.
if I disable it, no more square that comes “not from the game”…


Flash Indicator is an nVidia Reflex feature that you can adjust through the nVidia panel or Overwatch menu (for convenience). :slight_smile:

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That was the fix, much thanks! For reference, this is what it looked like:
https:// ibb. co/BLnLYmm

It happent to me on fortnite ik your like fortnite sucks and all but can you please find me a soulition im 12 and its so distracting

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its great that with the march 15 2022 update this bug is back and at it again (:

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Can confirm that this has come back and there’s no way to disable it now.

Before option for off/on this was in game now you need to find it in nvidia settings

Doesn’t exist in the most recent nvidia driver update and settings I have for the 1050 ti.

maybe. This is the info from patchnotes

The trigger flash option has been removed from the options screen. To enable the trigger flash display for your Reflex Analyzer monitor, please update to driver version 511.79 or later and update GeForce Experience to version 3.25 or later. For more information on Reflex Analyzer please visit https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/reflex-latency-analyzer-360hz-g-sync-monitors/.

the NVidia reflex option does not give me an option to turn off the flash indicator, which is quite annoying because there is a white square box that keeps appearing whenever I LMB. even when I disable the NVidia reflex, the white square still appears.

Starting with this patch, you now disable it from the NVidia Reflex Analyzer. Details:

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that is ofc only if you enable the experimental features AND that experience let you have the performance overlay usable, which isnt an option for everyone :slight_smile:

This is horrible, I don’t have geforce experience installed and I am not using a reflex display. I cannot disable this ridiculous white box! Fix this!!! About to uninstall the game, it’s literally unplayable with this constant white box flashing

Same – cannot disable the white box at all on my current setup.

Cannot turn off the flash indicator anymore. The option has been removed and I do not have a G-sync monitor. The patch note page tells me to download the latest patch but my card (GTX 1060) already has the latest driver 473.04. It does not give me an option to update further.

There seems to be no way for me to turn off this flash indicator at all anymore? What can I do because the game is unplayable with a big white square appearing everytime I lmb it’s so distracting. I need some help to somehow disable this. Thank you.

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