Which hero works everywhere?

Sombra works on every maps but doesn’t work on every comps.

I just gave you an example of 3 heroes who are super efficient against her and can keep her away just by existing. If you have actually played her maybe you woudl have known that. :woman_shrugging:

Any hero can work everywhere it just depends on how much time you have on them so you can learn to adapt. For example Lucio for most people is garbage on Junkertown first point, but if you play enough of him you can find ways to get value like denying the high ground for the enemy team or booping an orissa out of her shield if they are pirate shipping.

It’s less about how good the character is on certain maps, and more how good the player is on certain maps with their hero. Some are easier than others (Orissa in sanctum or WB in Lijiang), but in the end enough practice on any hero on any map is going to work.

False. In high ranks, rein on numbani first point is a throw.

But but in the hands of a genuine bronze player?
They might even do more healing on brig or lucio.

If you play against dive, then ana isn’t that good of a choice

I’ve pretty much one tricked Zarya since release date and I play at GM

Im a Hanzo main and there are some maps I often prefer not to play Hanzo: Widowmaker World, Rialto Maker, Horizon Widow Colony, All Nepal maps, all Illios except the Well, Lijian Tower Gardens.

Basically maps with long distances where Hanzo cant compete against Widow. Better not to ruin game for all 6 players lol

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Luckily dive isn’t really a thing anymore, right?

I’ve done better on Ana when I was in Bronze than I did on Brig. I might be an exception though?

Torbjörn. Fite me

Symmetra if you play her right.

reindhart is horible against pharamercy-sombra

I’d say Ana and Hanzo.

They both are very versatile and are not really depending on the enemy team, map or your own team to do work. Great defensive tools, no range limitations and great addition to any comp.

Usually heroes don’t perform well on certain maps because of their inability to deal with verticality or because of range issues due to maps being more open or narrow. Some heroes have hard or soft counters but… with Ana and Hanzo you can deal with any hero as long as you stay focussed on your positioning and use your kit properly.

With Hanzo the distance from the enemy doesn’t matter too much, you can climb walls, you can shred shields, you can kill tanks, squishies and have an ult to combo that also works by itself as a zoning tool.

With Ana it’s similar, as long as you position yourself correctly you can reach people almost anywhere and while narrow maps make it harder, you still have tools for close quarter combat. The ult might not be great for certain heroes offensively but… you can still use it just to keep someone alive. Shields and dive heroes maker her job harder but her utility still makes up for it.

Regarding Tanks it’s harder to say but for me, Reinhardt and Hammond would work on almost any map with any comp.

I’ll be that guy here: Mei. She creates space like a tank, can hit for good damage at all ranges now, can counter flankers well, and on top self-heals and can mitigate snipers with walls and stop ults… works well everywhere against almost all comps.

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Mei has no hard counters. She DPSs, Tanks, and self heals.
Now, she isn’t amazing at any of those, but, she can always find a place in a team.

You are not the only “that guy”, Mei is crazy flexible.

Glad to hear I am not alone, Mei’s toolkit is simply not appreciated enough for what it can do!

D.Va works everywhere.

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This comment really illustrates the level of the Overwatch Playerbase.

Once you get decent at the game Reinhardt does not work on every map or in every composition. Far from it actually.

Heroes that work most of the time is either Lucio or Dva since they can benefit all types of comps. Reinhardt can’t.

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