Which hero works everywhere?

Everything works in “good team comp” :woman_shrugging:

This is it folks. Regardless of Comp, regardless of Map. You can put these heros in and more than any other, be fine.

That’s just not true. Double flankers don’t work in bunker. Dps doesn’t work in Goats. Etc.

D.Va is unique in that she really does work in every comp.


That aren’t good comps.
by the same logic d.va doesn’t work with 2 offtanks.

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That’s not the same logic. Bunker is a viable and strong comp - even if the comp is made significantly weaker by running double flankers. Your example of two off tanks and zero healers is a terrible comp that has never been viable anywhere.

The point of this thread is to ask which hero is never a bad choice - and D.Va is never a bad choice. She’s objectively an all around good hero that works in every viable team comp.

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Except when is hard countered by reaper, mei, zarya or all 3 at once.

reinhardt ana lucio dva winston ashe widow mccree soldier(eehhhhh)

these heroes are good in all the maps except for some and they can be sometimes hard to play because they can be countered hard but you still survive and put value in.

D.va and Wrecking Ball are currently the most flexible heroes in the game.

D.va works in Deathball, GOATS, Bunker, Dive, HamDive, 3 Tank Deathball, 3 Tank Bunker, and even 3 Tank Dive. She’s really is numbah 1.

Also anyone that says Rein doesn’t understand how map verticality works.

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She can play around counters due to her mobility. She just goes away from them.

just like anyone else? hello?

How is that different than tracer and genji?

Reaper, Brig, Wrecking ball,

Hanzo, he has zero weaknesses. No reloading, super quick ult, deadly 1shot capable at literally any and all ranges possible. A cooldown skill that’s stronger than some dps hero’s entire ults

Dva, which shows she needs more nerfs

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Atm, to not be basic and say Rein, I’d have to go with Sombra. Flanker who hacks and disables allow the rest of brawly heroes to just jump on the enemy team.

The same reason you generally have to play her against bunker. She’s the only one who can negate rapid damage outputs (Hanzo, Bastion, etc.) who could otherwise break your bunker’s barriers and Bastions quickly from a distance.

Easily, I’d say D.va.

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He’s good if people simply group up.

Imagine actually thinking D.Va has hard counters. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Who else would you play in bunker for off tank??? I can’t remember the last time I’ve ever seen a bunker comp with anything other than D.Va as the off tank pick.