Where is classic QP

Why aren’t you guys playing open queue comp?

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comp is boring and it takes to long.

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Cause toxicity too much? I hate comp because of this.


Our entire group of friends said this last night when we tried to play some OW QPC. We haven’t played paladins for a long time, but I guess that’s what we do now.


It’s affecting FFA believe it or not.
I’ve had 3 games where it’s just friends who have teamed up to get top 4.

I can’t play with my friends and I can’t play FFA. There is no winning.
This needs to be fixed.

So, in other words, forget the event and go play a different game since the two modes my Friends & Family team enjoyed playing are gone for now.

Yeah, Blizzard, fantastic anniversary. :man_facepalming:


Been a while since a dev comment


Yeah, pretty much where my Friends & Family team will be playing. Fortunately, we all have the Founders Pack from its Beta era, so we continue to get all the heroes for free for the life of the game.

Can we also have the experimental XqcL

It seems like they put all of them except the comp one to changes daily, and it’s not supposed to be like that :confused: I don’t see why they can’t do a fix now instead of waiting until Monday. It was working perfectly fine last night.


hard to enjoy the event when we get those 5v5 news dropped on us like it was nothing, thank you for stopping by though


I am a network engineer for an ISP. If I make a mistake and suddenly people don’t have internet is that ok to leave until Monday? If an employee locks the keys in the store Friday should they just say “well were closed until Monday”? If they said it was planned, great that isn’t a problem. They didn’t expect backlash and will change the order again Monday. He said they messed up. The game type cards aren’t working how they wanted. Someone missed something in testing and something went live Friday night. You don’t leave mistakes to sit and fester resentment from your customers over the weekend.


Just to translate from ordinary speech to Blizzard (since the developer seemed to forget the procedure):

“We’re aware of this issue and apologise for the inconvenience”.

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I am pretty sure they get payed for this, so…


Found it!
It’s in competitive

Monday?! Just pay some OT and get it fixed now… cmon

It’s not unheard of for people to work on the weekend to fix mistakes or make sure something goes smoothly.

And it’s not like they won’t be paid for it, or anything.

It’s how business and companies work.

And what about the people who work on the weekends? What are you saying about them?

because there’s competitive open role… they’re different things…
That’s like telling people if they want to play qp, to play comp.

What an ignorant and condescending comment. You’re implying that our “favorite” mode (really don’t know why you quoted this as if we’re lying about it being our favorite mode) is somehow less important than the regular QP and COMP modes. If regular QP or the main mode that YOU play was deleted for a weekend and then got a response of “Sorry it’s messed up! We’ll fix it monday when everyone is back at work” how would you feel? Probably not very valued.


Bill…if you’re still around…

How about we just do away with arcade rotations in general :sweat_smile:

If not well QPC and MH should be in front page anyway…would free up 2 arcade slots