Where are the Ashe scope fixes for 144hz+?

Title basically Jeff said it would be added 2 patches ago and I don’t see it in 1.32 notes.

Kind of a bummer I’ve been waiting for this bug fix for quite some time.


Well, they also said that Victory Mercy would get her “Onwards to victory” voiceline back.

This was posted on May 18 2018.

(That’s the risk of making promises. You will be called out to it if you don’t make them true.)


I don’t mean to belittle this point but a voice line is much less significant as opposed to an actual bug fix with gameplay implications .

Where’s Play of the Game 2.0?

It was announced in November 2016, and we still have nothing on it…


it was added in a previous update with the bastet update

(it was added in

lol remember how long Earthshatter (coding)rework took?
Also I think Mei still hasn’t had that Cryofreeze bug fixed.

Good one. That’s also true.

I wasn’t comparing them.

I was just pointing that this is nothing new and that there are promises they made in the past that they didn’t follow up on as well.