
Edit: This is a post to talk about Hanzo, so I’d ask if you all stopped talking about other subjects such as Dive meta and other heroes. It’s messing up the thread.


Are you shi*ting me?


And you’re gm saying that

Op, what rank are you?
Also op, are you a hanzo main?


Then why are there so many Hanzo’s in the top 500?


So what’s wrong with people who are in gold voicing their opinion? There are plenty of people both higher and lower than you who agree that Hanzo is busted atm.


well golds are nearly pro mechanically (what other reason would keep someone highly skilled with 10+ years of pro experience in one of the lowest ranks? couldn’t be that MMR is busted af)

Let’s be honest, the fact you think SR is relevant when that’s the biggest joke on the internet, tells me you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Have a nice day, now.

Language, and don’t cry about meta, we had Dive meta for way more time, the meta changes, get used to it.


Lol Hanzo is so bs though. All he does is get lucky headshots with storm arrow and ult comboes with zarya. Remove these aspects and he’d be as useful as a rock. Also, dive promoted good, skilful play. Spamzo meta promoted brain dead Zarya combos.


That might be, but even pros think that he’s busted so… :man_shrugging:

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You’re absolutely insane.

Rank doesn’t matter, yeah kinda true, but between a master and a bronze there’s a lot, but a lot of difference.

funny how the only people crying that he’s not OP are hanzo mains. put your profile on private next time sweetie!


Damn guys some random person said Hanzo isn’t OP with no evidence.

Guess he isn’t OP.


Can you ”Apaganda Las Luces” his profile so we can see what he mains >:)

The reason i think he’s not OP is exactly why i play him, i play him since ever, since i started at season 5, when he still was considered a troll pick, and now that he is stronger, yes, they consider him godlike, ha, I don’t miss dive meta not a single bit

No one in Overwatch is this humble…

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I don’t think you know what “counter” means.

Name one hero where Hanzo has a disadvantage in a 1v1 that isn’t a long range Widow.

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What did I just read?.. :joy::joy::joy:

Console Diamond Hanzo mocks Gold players, hehehe.

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