When you report somebody

It sounds nice but it would completely break the match maker.


I disagree. I frequently get notifications back for successful reports which feels great!

But I also know that even though they are being punished for a behavior that has become a pattern, people can always change. One of my closest friends used to be what I’d call a troll on WoW. She did some maturing and isn’t really the same person I met 9 years ago, and it’s for the better.

I’m open to playing with people again on neutral terms. I don’t want to ostracize someone because they were being dumb or immature for awhile. Not when they can mature and become better.

Edit: As for cheaters, I just assumed that was a permaban?


Like it isn’t broken enough already


That usually takes years though. Growth doesnt happen overnight. So yes while they can absolutely improve later on, for the meantime I wouldn’t want them in any games.


Yeah but right now we’re like, busted headlight level of broken. The suggestion the OP had would take us to blown engine, cracked axel, and completely slagged radiator levels of broken.

At least right now the car still moves.

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I’d say months or years typically, yeah.

I understand the concern, I don’t think the idea is unreasonable at all. I just disagree with it. I believe a lot of the people who are purposefully being toxic for example are either in high school or still early on in college (obviously just a generalization, one size shoe does not fit all). I think these are the groups of people when being deliberately punished and shown their behavior is not okay are going to be the most capable of changing it. It might initially be for selfish reasons (to avoid a ban again) but honestly, that doesn’t bother me so much.

The other issue as someone else already pointed out, this could also potentially have unintended consequences on the match making system.

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I also want to know who gets banned and I want Overwatch to activate their webcam to capture their reaction to their punishment.


And what if the player learns from the action on their account and doesn’t do it anymore?

Also, if what people say about automated bans are true (literally zero evidence I’ve seen for this), then people will just report everyone and anyone they want to be on a team with.


I assume that signals the rapture. Thankfully, it doesn’t look like that’s happening anytime soon.

I’d be ok with a behind the scenes automatic avoid for 24 hours.

Trolls, flamers and selfish players having longer queue times?

Sounds like a good things to me.


Cheaters who are caught with cheat detection systems are permabanned.
I don’t think people are disciplined just for receiving too many cheating reports, although I’m not certain of that either. Every other category initiates discipline just for getting enough reports and maybe does some verification if and only if you appeal, but I’ve never heard of that happening with the cheating category.

Correct. I’m assuming that if you’re reported for cheating enough that Blizz would actually try to show some form of proof or need evidence that you’re cheating.

I know that’s probably a bit silly seeing as how people abuse the other report categories, though I have yet to see evidence of the cheating category itself being abused so I’m going to assume that it’s not actively happening.

Except that’s not the only thing people report for. Hell people have been suspended for playing off meta before because they got enough reports for gameplay sabotage.

If you could never be matched with someone who you reported, and had action taken against, ever again, that means that person can’t be placed on your team. It doesn’t matter if the other people on your team have reported him or not, you being there has effectively avoided that player times 6.

Now, imagine that all other 5 people on your team have also reported people, and action was taken against them at least once. So all those people can no longer be matched with you either.

Add on top of that the regular avoid player system and you start severely limiting the match maker in who it can put on your team. And as time goes on and more people are reported and suspended, you can’t get matched with them anymore if ANYONE on your team filed those reports.

This problem would eventually grow so bad that the matchmaker wouldn’t be able to pair people together. Queue times would skyrocket. That’s the reason we are so limited on player avoid slots as it is and why they don’t want to give us more. Implementing this would destroy the game.

The false reports for one tricks would sky rocket if this was a thing.

Cheating is a direct violation of both the Code of Conduct and the End User License Agreement. Because of this, most instances of cheating that directly impact other players to play and enjoy the game often result in a no-warning account closure.

There are exceptions however, for example, when the legality of third-party programs that could track and determine performance of players in-game was in question, Blizzard decided to warn all players upfront.

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I’ve received multiple messages saying “Thank you for reporting” but it never felt good? Why? Because it’s not my job. I don’t get paid to report people for their conduct, I pay for playing games in which I get to kill players who do various kinds of conduct.
How about we just match people with their preferred friends who play just the role that they want instead? I mean why make a “Online Multiplayer Public Game” when we can just have a 6v6 special match maker just for players like you who only want to play with the top cream of the game and most importantly not play with other individuals who might slightly play a hero a bit more differently from your standards.
(Cheaters get banned, Abusers get silenced and there is no escape. It’s not your job to be the caped hero of brining them to justice, it’s Blizzard’s.)

The Reporting system is ruining Overwatch, spam reports are wasting crucial game development time and moreover punishing the wrong people for the smallest things like saying gg.
This power to report people is absolutely unwanted, it’s the company’s job to find such people. Not the people to play good cop and get brownie points.

Don’t want to get matched with cheaters? Play more and find a game where you find like minded individuals. Ever played Call of duty or Counter Strike in their glory days? Or did you come into gaming expecting everyone to be nice and jolly always appreciating what you do in game?

Online Multiplayer games are a Bandit Country, you shoot and kill anything on the opposite team that moves. We didn’t pay to fix the game, we paid to play it.
Your idea would just completely break the match maker even further.

You make it sound nice. People get falsely reported all the time. And those people who report for no reason never get punished, and if your a sym player for example, get reported for no reason over and over again, you’ll lose thousands of hours for no reason.

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yeah sure it does
about the same amount as a 81" chevette
that hasn’t had an oil change since 1989

yeah they had to do this.
because they designed a game that hides all relevant information from teammates in a team based game

and so many players used either visor.gg or pursuit.gg
they would have banned over 80% of ow’s player base at the time
had they done it

it wasn’t a question of banning every account
it was a question of did they want to knowingly kill there game at the time

you word it like they did the community a favor by doing that
in reality they did nothing but keep there money machine rollin’