I just finished a game with the most braindead tank I have ever played with, they were level 30 and very obviously not smurfing. He was reinhardt and just charging in by himself the whole game and would never group up so I told him to stick with us and wait for us before pushing in and then he got all defensive and started trying to flame me by saying I wasn’t healing him at all (I finished the game with 25k heals and 3700 damage boosted). So I mean you just gotta try and tell them what they should be doing calmly and if they don’t comply then you just rage to yourself and move on
A: I will always try to win for sure, it works more than it should to be honest.
Never understood this one like “There is a chance we will loose so i will make sure we 100% will loose”. People who give up are one of my biggest irks in the game.
I’ve got in games where I could have sworn after the first round that my teammates were all brain dead and this was going to be a loss. Only to somehow do a lot better the next rounds or even roll the other team for some odd reason.
It’s when faced with adversity/pressure/resistance that you experience actual growth as you must become better than you currently bare to succeed. Unlike wins where you already know all you need to win and therefore learn nothing.
Leave game, turn off game, uninstall game, play again a month later, get same kind of teammates, remember why I uninstalled, repeat.
If is qp I just leave
About comps don’t care much since I won’t play them anymore.
The genji on their team is screaming rn
Just play the game n see where it gets you no need to tryhard if it drains you
I prefer to leave instead of wasting my time where I cannot win at all.
Dude if a person keep playin dva ball into zarya rein sombra mei ana
no, I won’t stay there.
When the game went full retard, you just have to roll with it.
If you start going against it or go half retard, you’re freaking done for.
Because there will come a time where people will start flinging insults like monkey throwing poop at each other, and it is better to ignore and laugh at them then actually going against them and get mad about it.
The game is a strategic team based game though- you need to be thinking about your teamates and communicating with them. Its not call of duty.
The system is rigged just as in real life to keep the poor people poor and only the select ones climb up to give the many hope that there is a chance for them too.
The matchmaking software construct is programmed by the devs anyway based on their algorithms, that’s why when a player a win strike the software analyzes if it lets him-her be to prove himself or herself and have an advancement possibility or cut his way short with braindead teammates and cheaters on the other team for good measure.
Till the games would be still programmed by some humans, there will never be fair games and fair matches, only when they are developed by fully self-aware AI constructs cos when humans have the power to decide things over others they can’t resist the urge to control in a biased way in which the very few are controlling and climbing up on the corpses of the so many.