When you bought this game 3 years ago

I was hoping there would be more interesting updates to the game beyond recycled events and skins. I knew it being an fps and not a moba meant they wouldn’t churn out maps and characters that fast but I didn’t think it would be as slow as about 3 hero’s and maps a year. It seems like all the money that should be going to actual game development is just being shoveled into OWL

I was excited to see all the new diverse heroes, yet here we are getting plain heroes like brig and ashe once a year.

When I bought the game 3 years ago, I didn’t care too much about future content. I thought the game was perfect as is. I had so many heroes to try that I wasn’t too concerned about new ones.

Obviously now I want more, but I still think the game is just as amazing as I did 3 years ago.

I assumed there would be a ton more lore and media. They released so much around launch that I expected it to stay at that rate or a little slower.

The disappointment started in March 2016. I was at the Coca Cola / Overwatch Launch Event and it was just awful and kicked out money. Even that far back they promised things that never came true. But i was too hyped back then to resent them.

Looks like Geoff answered your claims.

Turns out you’re full of it.