When will we get v1.40?

Can we have any idea as to when it will be pushed to live servers?

The patch has entered “background download” status (meaning PC players can pre-download the patch before it goes live). Chances are the patch will go live on Tuesday.

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been long enough
they should be less scared to push out these smaller patches given they have the ability to quickly upload them and if need be rescind them with the hotfix feature

This is not the purpose of the hotfix feature, the hotfix feature makes corrections to bugs and other problems that can be quickly fixed, but any balance changes will apply through feature updates.

I was just pointing out the fact that they have the ability to make quick changes
something a lot of people want
sometimes waiting a whole PTR cycle for a change people want can be frustrating

people have been long frustrated with the slow pace of balancing
where stuff has to be on the PTR for what can feel like forever before it can go live
and some stuff going to the PTR like the voice line for Mercy should just be added to live without going through the PTR

you don’t need god knows how much bug testing for a voice line

For that I will refer you to the recent post from Principal Designer Josh Noh: