When will they release Malevento?

How much time on the PTR till they release it? I really want something new asap…

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if not this thursday, next week (3 weeks of ptr, as always).

don’t think about it too much this week. :slight_smile:

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I was kinda disappointed when the client started downloading a new version and Malevento didn’t pop up when I logged in :neutral_face:


They are probably working on some more fixes. I myself discovered an exploit with the map during my testing on the PTR.


I really hope for one exp this thursday, more than a month without even one :roll_eyes::disappointed:

I am sure there will be an Experimental sometime in the near future, but the problem is that Overwatch League and Overwatch Contenders is locked into the current live patch (in terms of Balance changes). So until those competitions are complete, it kinda makes sense to hold off. Remember they focus balancing around the pro-level tournaments and grandmaster ranks of Competitive Play.


Blah blah they only care about owl we get it

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What was it?
Please share.


That is a pretty big rock.

It may have been intentional, but I see what you mean. Flying heroes could use it to hide and heal.

Next week, September 14.

But every other cup over the past months, they waited for the new cup to start on the new patch, then did the Experimental card shortly after so the new patch wouldn’t go live to OWL.

Although I don’t know when the september matches start but I’m sure it won’t be long after. Maybe they’ll line up an experimental to go live alongside Malovento

Yep, but the trick is that the season is now winding down and we are seeing content releases such as the new map coming.

If anything, there might be an Experimental this Thursday, but I am going to emphasize to not be disappointed if there is not.


They can’t disappoint me when I’ve already disappointed myself by getting my hopes up every week anyway :smiling_imp:

Hanzo, Genji, Pharah, Echo, Doomfist, Junkrat, Reaper, Lúcio, Widowmaker, Winston, Wrecking Ball, Sombra, D.Va and maybe Ashe (Coach Gun) or Baptiste (Boots) or Mei (Wall) are the only who can go down there and up again, and only Lúcio, Bap and Mei can heal theirselves.

Yes, there’s a health pack, but you just waste time standing there waiting for the health pack to become available again.