When will the world end?

I think the end of the world will come in the year 2020. Hbu?

To everybody the world is different in their perspective, but since when you die the world ends to you, so maybe the world is gonna end in 2082?

Whenever D.va gets nerfed, because dive will die and dive is basically the Overwatch world

My guess is that the world will end in about 40 years due to things like global warming, destruction of the environment (deforestation, melting of ice caps, rising sea levels), and famine.

Should be fun!

Edit: Maybe it did end in 2012 and we are in the afterlife.


The world will end yesterday, yes thats my final answer

I assume it will be in about 5 billion years when our Sun swells to the size of a Red Giant and literally swallows (and ergo, obliterates) the Earth.

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The heat death of the universe will happen in around 10^100 years.
That number is called a Googol, and it’s damn massive.

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The end of the actual world itself won’t be for several million if not billions of years. However the human race itself may end far sooner than that perhaps after another 10 years, another century another millennia we’ll never know. We’ll likely be long gone before then.

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world isn’t even real, we’re just a simulation run by super alien lizards, and the theory of multiple dimensions is true, it’s just the same simulation with certain differences, and overwatch is a simulation made by others in our simulation, which is where our world is headed.

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Every country that has nuclear weapons can end us in days, if not hours.
It’s kinda scarry that North Korea can be capable of that.

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The world will end when Tracer gets nerfed… so it’s safe to say that we have atleast a couple of years ahead of us

That theory is amazing, if we remove the super lizards, and it’s impossible to prove it wrong.
I love thinking about things like this.

It will end when there are no more “games as services”…

when dio returns…


It will end yesterday today.

Dive will not die until tracer and genji take a nerf too

Sometime after this thread does.

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