When will new PTR changes come?

Slap on the wrist? dude all Rein got was steadyfast. You want them to remove that and nerf something else? are you nuts?

Iirc last Wednesday it was fairly late for east coasters, not sure about the exact time.

I’m really hoping the delay is because of the experimental card.

Retail patches are usually around 11AM PST, PTR times have varied a lot in the past, like some of them dropping at 3-5 PM PST

check my profile
and check literally every post that cried out for a rein nerf that butchers him.

I am there defending rein.
Me, I know he needs stead fest to be playable.
I remember when he had 30% stead fest and i was legit being called a thrower and almost got the warning I might get banned soon LOL

With all the whiners and the fact they have been going gun blazing with nerfs.
rein is going to get nerfed
lets just hope its a slap on the wrist (as in its not even a nerf and doesnt affect him)
Like for example the shield speed buff they gave him if they reverted that.
HECK i WILL BE happy.
this will showcase good rein from bad reins and he wont be affected then.
but if they nerf his ult, his shield or his passive.
Yeah I quit tanking.
they killed sigma and with a nerf even so slight to one of those, they kill rein so might as well quit while I am ahead :man_shrugging:

Orisa/Sigma need to be buffed rather than straight nerfing Rein. They need to be competitive and Tanks also need to all feel good to play.

Making Baptiste and Roadhog more viable would also be good to see.

Probably sometime between now and this time next Thursday.

Preach it brother/sister

I want rein to remain the same way he is.
the other off tanks are rn hot garbo.
Something people dont understand is that a main tank will always be picked.
Making two garbage when we have only 3 will literally leave the last tank to be good.
Ya know what I mean?