When will Blizzard deal with Smurfs?

I think the hacker problem is much more prevalent in just this SEASON, than smurfs ever have been.

“Ashe that acts like a sniper” did you know that Ashe is a sniper?

The issue is mostly with low level accounts (<100) that play dps with very high skill/aim (most obvious example is windowmaker) or a very sudden change of skill when someone changes to a dps role (like suddenly we fight against an almost unkillable tracer).

If you were matched with a thrower or leaver, you would have a ~54.5% win rate. Every match, you are matched with 11 other players, 6 on the enemy team, 5 on your own team. The chances of a thrower being on the enemy team are then 6/11 = 54.545454…%.

Throwers and leavers are definitely not what is holding you back. They would actually cause you to slowly but inevitably climb if they were actually in all of your matches.

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This. And this again.

Why do people think Blizzard either cares about smurfing, or has some sort of smurfing police to stop it?

Ashe has falloff she’s not a sniper. She’s hitscan. She as much of a sniper as Mccree is.

I don’t think you can learn how to carry a team consistently and if it’s possible i don’t think it’s easy to learn.
A much easier way of improving yourself is by holding your own against higher skilled players. Instead of competitive play some Free For All. The matchmaking is less strict so you will face any ranks up to GrandMaster and you will learn by playing against them.

Its pretty hard to improve when u get stomped by a gm… it’s like a masters player versing an owl player to be honest. Ur argument is so flawed

lmao did u just call my arguement “FLAWED”… ever heard of the sentence “you improve more by playing against better players”???
If not then u should definetly rethink everything u have been doing your whole life, who you watch and who u listen to.

You can’t improve in a big sr range tho… like cmon. A diamond can’t improve from being stomped by a gm smurf (1000 sr better than him). And if u think they could, then YOU should rethink your life.

When you accept that you’re bad at the game and stop making excuses as to why you can’t win.

Not on consoles they’re not.

Smurf accounts are free to make on consoles. No extra game purchase required.

I climbed from gold to GM… never once did i cry about smurfs in the process. I means its annoying but thinking that smurfs are the reason you cant climb??? OMEGALUL. i hope you are a troll cuz that thinking is 100% of a sore loser.

Edit - LMAO you’re in plat, that too the lower plat. You have nothing to worry from smurfs lul.

I didn’t say that u can’t climb because of smurfs -.- I just said that u can’t improve because of them
And also I dont play comp so I can’t climb, so ur observation isn’t valid


That is the safe option.

I saw plats in bronze so

Also ur account seems to be gold, so where is the gm???

Also ur account is In gold, so where is the gm?

I highlighted 2 throwers at 1000 Sr from a vod a few months back.

Open profiles, so I’ve been tracking them on Omnicmeta. 170 games, 35% win rate.

These guys are plat skill at least. They just get their rocks off bullying worse players.

Even when they throw they get 90% kp to show their big e-peen, before just emoting all rest of game.

Ranking up means that YOUR TEAM is outperforming your opponents. If your team doesn’t work with you when you tank, or charge the enemy team when you are trying to heal, good luck with that carry theory. That plan only works if you play DPS.