When will Blizzard deal with Smurfs?

Despite the thread lower talking about how you belong in the rank you struggle to get out of… it’s wrong.

Getting stomped every game is annoying to say the least. You know you’re going up against smurfs when it’s a widow that doesn’t miss, or an Ashe that acts like a sniper. I am in ELO 7th circle of Hell right now. I know I’m not a high silver player, but by dang I can’t escape this low bronze. I can’t carry a team on my own.

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Right now I am seeing 3-6 smurfs/booster/trolls every single game in plat. Its hard to kknow what rank I should be at this point.


They’re never going to do anything about smurfs since it’s a paying customer. I have an alternate account and by level 5 you’re playing people your own level. If it’s an actual smurf (which I think are actually quite rare) then they would have to put a ton of effort in actually getting to bronze. They would have all of their placements as well as their quickplay run from level 1-25. Don’t fall into the trap of hunting for external sources to explain where you’re stuck. I imagine it sucks pretty bad in bronze but focus on the small things and focus on you.

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YOu do understand that it is easy to throw matches right? And that I can see their profile which shows them bouncing between Bronze and Masters?

I don’t think that is statistically possible. Platinum is approximately 25% of the player base. Everyone above Plat is a total of 14% of the player base.

So you’re claiming that 25-50% of the players in the games you play in plat (25% of 25% is 6.25%). So, nearly 50% of diamond, master, GM, Top 500 players are playing on alt accounts in your plat games?

I think there is a more logical explanation. I saw in a youtube video explaining that there are players who climb based primarily on mechanical skills, others who climb based primarily on knowledge and game sense, and of course those who use a combination of the two to get to the rank they’re at. What it sounds like is you’re encountering people who have very high mechanical skills, and therefore look like they belong higher, but have failed to rank up because they don’t study the meta of the game and do what it takes to get the team fights down in a way that would take them to diamond and above.

3-6 per match even have open profiles, much less evidence of that large of a single season range? My observations are that around 75% of people in my matches have private profiles. (I actually record all my comp matches, and actually inspect all 11 players profiles as part of the video after each match).

In my experience, the number of Troll Throwers in SR 500-800 is dramatically higher than even in 1000-1100 SR. I actually do not see a single open profile thrower in the majority of my games. I still suspect some people of being throwers, but can’t prove it with their private profiles.

In my SR, having strong mechanical skills is very frequently evidence that they do not belong in my tier, since I’m in the bottom tier.

What you find it surprising that throwers would have open profiles so you can see they where GM or Masters 3 months ago?

Have you played blizzard games?

I would love to prove it btw but until blizzard forums say its ok to name and shame I can’t do jack but report them.

But honestly, how many people are actually doing this? Not very many I’d wager. I guess my point is that it’s very tempting to look everywhere else but the (wo)man in the mirror. You can’t control anyone or anything else but yourself. It’s somewhat of an issue, I’ll agree, but it isn’t keeping anyone stuck in bronze.

When will NOOBS stop crying about smurfs and start accepting the fact that there are better players than them, and try to improve?

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Probably never, they have money from it.

Anyway, if you cant climb from bronze, you belong in it. Its most easy rank to escape.

Yes there are players so good in my own rank they can take out 2-3-4 people solo. Smart. I have come to the conclusion that nearly every person defending this behavior is in fact doing it themselves.

“It never happens” “its rare”

Yeah play plat on the east coast at midnight then actually pay attention to accounts after a match. I only report the people I can see on their profile as someone that is throwing games. In the last three months I have had 2 different top 500 genjis in my plat games.

Are they the reason I am not out of plat? No but that is not the point. The point is they ruin the entire matchmaking system by constantly stomping and then throwing matches.

EDIT: Last match 10 accounts public. 1 could have been a smurf or an alt account for learning characters… nothing way out of wack so cant say for sure.

Next match 6 public - 1 confirmed smurf, 2 others likely but can’t prove.

Game 3 - 7 public, 3 smurfs.

just curious how do u know they are top500 genji mains or even a GM genji?

Is looking at a profile that hard for people? 4600+ and a top 500 icon kind of gives it away…

so u mean there were actual previous t500 account in plat destorying u people?


Dear Blizzard there is a player in this very thread that has a super high win rate on one character and an impossible loss rate on another character. His top two played characters btw… Want proof these people exist? He is right here posting.

Lol you are right, this Player guy was deranking with lucio :smile:

Second most played hero while 3% winrate …

  1. If you can’t carry your Bronze team, you don’t belong higher
  2. Ranking up means consistently outperforming your opponents. What other thing outperforms enemies? Yes, those so called ‘smurfs’, meaning;
  3. You have to technically be of a higher skill level to climb. If you’re Bronze wanting to climb to silver, you need to play like a silver. You have to be so good that your enemies think you’re smurfing
  4. Sounds impossible? Every single player above your rank did the same thing. I’m 100% positive it’s possible

Also; if your enemy Widow and Ashe headshots you without fail every single time maybe you need to walk less obviously or switch heroes all together.

I dealing with smurfs by myself, it is so easy when you reach thier rank and woala, no smurfs here hehe.

The game is going downhill and smurfs are greasing its wheels along the way.

Clear sign of a smurf, and most agree that if someone leaves a game and makes it 5V6, then the 5 in that scenario is going to lose right? Its no different if one guy is throwing. “Get good, if you cant get out of your rank its because you belong there.” Cut to the same person 5 mins later in a different game. “I cant get out of this rank because I keep getting leavers.” I guess get good right? And that’s for a normal hero. Having a healer throw games? Yeah, the problem is those who cant climb out on their own in a team game. This line of thinking is just off.

Regardless, I dont think Blizz will ever do anything about the smurfs. From what I’ve seen they don’t seem to care about anything anymore. We got people who make posts on the forums saying that they are either using aimbot, throwing games, actively being toxic, or some other form of rule breaking just to see how long it takes them to get banned and are still around. We got people in game who get reported and nothing happens to them, I’ve had the same people show up in my games over the course of 2 weeks even though they got reported for throwing the game or being extremely toxic. And on the forums I see people break rules (As mentioned earlier) and the only ones I’ve seen get punished are the ones outing the clear aimbots in videos which blizzard should be taking care of but instead punish people who are bringing it to light, which to me just says “Don’t do anything or you’re in trouble.”

Then again this is all just my opinion and of course, could be wrong. But one things for certain, the only change we have been seeing is things getting worse.

Never, they don’t see smurfs as an issue.

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Last night we had a person actually throwing themselves off the map over and over… saying in match chat that they where throwing the game and they didn’t care about getting reported. This is the point the game is at now.

When people start bragging about cheating/trolling its not a good sign.

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