When we will get an easy 1 star dps?

He’s one of the few DPS heroes I can’t play at all

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As a support main, i never wanted easy supports.
They devalue my work on Zen, Ana and Lucio.


Good aim is undeniably a skill. However, good aim alone can’t make up for lack of game sense, while having good game sense can make up for having average aim. You still need a bare minimum to perform, and that bar is much higher for dps usually.


you had brigitte for the last 9 months

sombra is totally faceroll now, you just don’t understand how to keep busy as the hero or where & when you should be or what the hero is really even good at

reaper is probably the only hero in the game that’s as easy to play as brigitte and that’s only because he can’t do much besides walk up to people 5m away and one shot them

junkrat was literally made for people who are too discouraged by their awful hitscan and projectile performances to try to get better at them. like literally lol so many junkrat players couldn’t even play OW if riptire wasn’t the most powerful and easy ultimate to get value out of in the entire game.

it charges so fast you can just keep solo ulting the enemy team’s best dps and you will win the game because of it.

then of course there’s torb and sym

and lastly… i guess i’d have to say roadhog. because he’s not really a dps… just a really fat reaper with a hookshot. DVA too, but both Roadhog & DVA require a bit of nuance on the skill curve in understanding when to use D Matrix/Hook and their ults. But both pretty simple and DVA has been must pick in every ELO since she was reworked.


Torbjorn’s still around. He may be less of a hammer bot than before, but he certainly still has the option to play that way.

Mostly they’re trying to get rid of that stuff, though. Symmetra and Torbjorn were both reworked to put a little more focus on the player’s input. Brigitte replaced Symmetra as the “brainless” DPS, but her burst damage was nerfed to help mitigate that as well.

it was but ehhh

i still sometimes see people playing dps that get run down by her from a mile away cuz they’re allergic to shooting at shields

Unfortunately though, some can practice for years and will never get any better. That’s just the way it is.


Reaper and Bastion are also 1-star heroes.


If you want an easy DPS Reaper is probably your best bet. Simple kit, not that mechanically demanding and relatively tanky.

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I can see what you mean, nearly all of the Damage heroes released since Overwatch’s release has been difficult to pick up heroes. Honestly though, what exactly could they make that would be considered “one star”?

so you want a dps who’s 1 star AND as strong as aimbased one?
it will instantly be overpowred and will make other dps heros useless
1 stream means you can easily get value out of him, and u already have junk, torb, symm (balls), reaper that"s already alot

because everyone hates brigitte and a lot hate moira for being too easy, and breaking the sr system by boosting their players


Soldier 76 would like to have a word with you

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I thought he was too easy. The first time I played him I got his ult in about a minute and went on to get a 4 player multi-kill, and I didn’t even know what I was doing with tactical visor.

New Torb is basically a new hero and he’s one of easiest heroes in the game, if not #1 already.

Reaper is a one star


What exactly are you asking for? What makes a DPS easy and one star?

Probably a lack of mechanical complexity taking out moving parts

Like Reaper is almost there but if you stripped out Wraith form
And shadow step

Just a guy who has a little regen and guns something with mostly passive abilities and shooting as the only parts of their kit

Git gud.

It’s literally impossible to aim with him past about 17m now if your target is looking at you.

If a junkrat is killing you at range, it’s your fail. Not his aim.


id imagine its because no one really wants low skill dps heroes

the big focus of competitive games is getting better, whats the point of getting better if the best heroes are easy to use?

its different if you just simply like a low skill hero, you probably dont like it JUST because its easy to use. but if your begging for a low skill dps too play you have far greater problems then any of us could even dream of fixing.

dps is focused on damage output

a 1 star dps hero would be considered more broken than brig and would be used to one trick from bronze to gm by many