When they say 9 divisions

Does it mean 9 divisions with you being in the centre or like it can be 9 divisions either side.

As in let’s say your masters 5

You can be in a match with a GM2 tank and a plat 2 support?

You can be in a match with GM5 tank and D2 support?


Is it like 9 divisions in whichever direction it chooses


Say it decides to have a GM2 tank now you are the lowest division in the lobby like M5 and it cant go lower than that .

An d if it decides on the other direction with you as top then it makes p2 the lowest rank.

So my question is the division spread based on you at the centre which would be the best quality wise.

Or is it bidirectional which would be the worst quality.

Or is it unidirectional in the direction of choosing it’s better than bidirectional but worse than centred.

Hope i have made it clear.would be cool to have some clarity on this.

Knowing these devs I’m terrified


honestly, they probably have it do 9 divisions in any direction knowing blizzard

they just yolo’d the matchmaker

i could get a better matchmaker paying a programmer on fiver


Atleast we are getting some clarity now.

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Hilarious to be calling this a competitive game with such a matchmaker though. No wonder no one can take this game seriously in the general public.


Can you provide a link or at least a search suggestion ?
Not calling you out, the discussion is helpful and i believe they said it.
I’d just like to know where/context.

Here is my own $0.02:

We worked out some MM math years ago. For years and years, we had to convince people how rigged things were and explain how you could fix it.

In one toy model, there were 14 divisions, along a normal pdf scaled over the interval [0,5000]. (could be mmr or sr, take your pick, as long as it distributes players, not accounts). 5000/14 gave 350sr “intervals” to pool and ship matches from.

So you’d have at most a 350sr gap between worst and best in lobby. On average (the centroid of that pool), you’re only 125sr away from the best or worst in that lobby.

Those deltas are almost meaningless and imperceivable for where the pdf curve is ‘flat’ → at the tails (bronze, T500), and around gold, where mixing is best. Note that the 350sr interval would be ‘weird’ for mid-silver and mid-diamond. Those are the inflection points, the slope is steepest, and you jump over the most players % for the least amount of SR change.

For 9 divisions (using the same system), it would be faster but less tight.
The solution would be dynamically wider and shorter bands based on active population and possibly where they are ranked (edge or inflection or mode).

Which is why if winning is how you want to rank people, then pulling randomly around a narrow SR band should be the way to do it. Will there be streaks/stomps? Absolutely. But it will be a fair competition that probably feels like poop to people that think they’re owed close games. The streaks/stomps thing would become more of a balance or 5v5 gameflow issue.

When they say “maximum 9 divisions apart” that includes all people in the game. So when you are gold 1 and have a silver 5 in your game, all people are within that range, because otherwise the silver would be fighting over this 9 division rule.

The best player on the team and the worst player on the team can be 9 divisions apart. Thats how i understand it.
If the best player is masters 5 then he can play with platinum 4 players as the lowest.
However if the masters 5 player has a GM 1 as his best player on the team, then the masters 5 must be the lowest on the team.

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In today’s blog post by Aaron it’s pinned on the main forum.

I hope this is the case can we get a confirmation on this.

either way its very bad, but there you have your proof why we have fast queues.

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Whatever option it is, its obviously all a complete lie whichever one anyway

I have literally recorded the ranks of my teammates multiple days before and i’ve calculated more an average of 15/16 divisions apart from me

That is assuming i am the highest and they are lowest in the match which with private profiles may not even be the case. It is possible there are people even lower or higher which makes the gap larger

As a GM 4 i have been in games with as low as gold 2 players which is 18 divisions from me so they can keep lying through their teeth all they want. Do they think we’re dumb? I get they tried to hide all the ranks so we couldnt see. Then they tried to pretend that the players in our games are actually of our rank just decayed but we arent stupid :rofl::rofl::rofl: i can tell by how someone plays what rank they are around. Did they forget we have eyes? Did they forget they added a scoreboard?