When is this major D.Va bug going to get fixed?

The amount of bugs in this game is pretty laughable. Hopefully that new engine for OW2 fixes them or else it’ll just add on to the crap show.

Yeah, except the bug makes your defense matrix twist when your in the sky and defense matrxing. But in the POV of D.Va it’s straight. LOL, what a joke.

Unless it’s game breaking or health concerning, they aren’t fixing anything in 1. They’ll roll the fixes into two because it’s the priority right now and if it works there then they don’t care about 1.

Its health concerning. Copy and paste the link.



Still don’t know what they haven’t fixed this yet. Been in the game for two months

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Exactly. Like ??? Blizzard ???

I haven’t noticed the thing in OPs link, but when my teammate gets hooked and I put defense matrix over them and then they get 1 shot it is pretty game breaking in my opinion. D.va can’t even do the one job she is supposed to anymore.


Look, Izzy, the defense matrix twist, and in the D.Va’s perspective it’s straight.

What? :face_with_monocle:

What are you trying to explain here?


Copy and paste the link, and look at the pictures. It shows what I’m talking about.

I already read that. I’m referring to a separate issue that I feel is game breaking.

Oh- LASDjahudsad, sorry.

The current defense matrix is still not used to it’s range if your wondering. That’s why it’s so glitchy and buggy.


This looks so stupid lol.


Yeah and the fact that it visually shows the D.Va on the grav in the perspective of the D.Va

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That would explain why things like Grav and Blizzard tend to go right through my DM sometimes…


This has probably been issue ever since they remade dva’s matrix.

Which is like, longer than a year.

Which would explain why everything seems to bypass matrix like it seemingly doesn’t exist.

Don’t expect blizzard to fix dva bugs though, we’re still stuck with the janky grav spazzing after many years after all.


Oh man - I’m a frequent victim of both the non-functioning DM and earthquake-grav. They both drive me insane.

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…This would explain some things

Ever since DM was shortened I noticed it significantly more often fails to eat Mei / Zarya ults, even when in range and pointed right at them.

I would like it if blizzard would fix DVA’s bomb as well, nothing worse than dying to a dva bomb while you are behind a wall and the bomb still kills you.